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This is for Amysteriouslady, it's people like you who keep me motivated!

So I whacked it against his head. I stood up for myself.

I started to panic. I have done stuff like this before, but it has always come back to bite me in the butt. Usually, I like to think happy thoughts to help me develop a plan.

As I looked down at this (unbelievably attractive) man's limp body, I couldn't help but chant to myself. I am a strong, independent woman. I am a strong, independent woman. I am a SRTONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN. I AM A STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN.

I knew deep down that I was neither independent, nor a woman, maybe not even strong. As I continued chanting, sometimes whispering it, I heard him groan. He groaned! I watched, horrified, as his fingers started to twitch. He was waking up! No, no, no, no, this weird man will kill me! His arm started to move and he grabbed his head, and I watched him blink a few times.

The chants got louder as I scrambled to make a plan. My eyes sweeped across the room trying to pick out something I could defend myself with. Deep down I knew it was no use, that in the end he would get me and I wouldn't be a strong, 'independent' woman anymore. BUT THEN- I found it, my key to freedom, a small spark of hope. I grabbed the object just as he grabbed his head and began to climb to his knees. He kept blinking as though everything was blurry, I know if he could see me more clearly he most likely would have stopped what was coming for him.

I raised the lamp high above my head and THWAMP!! He was on the floor again. Man, I have never loved a lamp as much as I do right now. They're so handy, and they bring so much light to this world. I didn't have enough time to thank the lamp, or even fix it. I just dropped it on 'Gunner's' back. Then, I sprinted for the door.

It was locked. I kept pushing on it and it wouldn't budge. Bummer. My hope fell to my stomach and I fell to my knees. I couldn't stand this helpless feeling any longer. I hated when my life was in another man's hands. It was so unfair, like I was no more than a pathetic puppet for them to play with. I had already been through so much, I had just managed to escape the circus and now I'm stuck here, with this lunatic. There was no 'other option', I was just a helpless girl. How could anyone do this? I just collapsed on the floor, this was it for me. I sat there, not even with the motivation to cry. My eyes were void of emotion, empty. I lost track of time as I let myself slip into the comforting nothingness. No thoughts running through my head, no plan. Just me, despicable.

"Maybe some birds are just meant to be caged" The words flew back to me, and they angered me. I did not want to be caged any longer.

I lifted my head to see his body. He probably had a key! I got up off of the lush carpet and ran toward him, with renewed energy and hope.

This is the weird part. He lay on his back so I had to touch his back pocket, which was his butt. He has a nice butt. The key wasn't in either of his back pockets. Damn, all that butt touching for nothing. I slowly reached my hand into his front pocket, ew, ew, ew, ewww. Nothing! I was about to stick my hand in the next pocket when his eyes flashed open. My face was so close to his when he awoke that I could count his eyelashes. I fell backward and started doing a crabwalk-thing to the door. He slowly got up and started walking toward me. He had this devilish smile on his face, like he was enjoying my utter terror.

I reached the door, my back pushed against it, I couldn't go anywhere but here. This was it. A guy with such a stupid name as 'Gunner' was going to kill me. I always wanted my death to be me doing some crazy circus thing, something totally daring, that way I would be in the papers, I could be famous for my tenacity.

I started pushing on the door like crazy. It wouldn't budge. "You really thought that would work? Thought a stupid lamp would take ME down?" he growled.

Then the door clicked open. It was a pull door, not a push.





"I didn't THINK a stupid lamp would take you down, but I tried anyway. And you know what? A stupid lamp DID take you down." I looked toward the open door, before adding; "TWICE."

Then I ran out the door. I sprinted down gigantic halls with marble floors, I turned corners way too fast, and almost fell on the stairs. I could hear him running behind me, which only motivated me more. I kept running, as he started shouting for someone to grab me.

He should really treat his lamps with more respect. That thing probably saved my life, twice.

That was my last thought before two strong arms came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I was shoved into a closet of some sort, it was dark and my panting mixed with whoevers dragged me in here. I faintly heard a string being pulled before a light bulb lit up and I saw whoever caught me.

"Hi, I'm Hunter. Sorry if I scared you, I just thought I would save you from my brother. You see, he gets rather angry, very easily. It's scary, and his wrath shouldn't be directed at someone as beautiful as you."

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