Making Perfect Moments

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It took them longer than it should have to get the knife away from me.  I mean, Gunner had four extra men behind him, Hunter, and himself all trying to wrestle me for it at the same time.  You would think Hunter would totally take my side and help me escape, but apparently, he doesn't want his brother hurt/dead.  So it was one against six, and they took it from me.  I want my knife back. 

Gunner had cooped me up in the room I had woken up in, after he confiscated my switchblade.  I just sat on the bed, looking at the lamp that lay across the floor (where I left it), thumbing over the last few days in my head. 

First, I am forced to leave the circus, then I get placed in an orphanage, then I'm kidnapped by the mafia. Maybe some birds are meant to be caged...

No.  I have to stop reminding myself of that.  Though the room was large, my conscience had a point.  It was kind of like a cage.  All of the windows were sealed shut, the door locked, and the vents were too small to fit through.  I could pick the lock on the door, but it was one of those really fancy ones that are all tech-no.  Believe me, I tried.

I also bruised my hand, bad.  I had wrapped it in a sweatshirt of Gunner's and... well.... I tried to punch through the window.  Turns out, it's bulletproof.  Thus, it can handle a tenage girl's punch.  Now my knuckles are split with dried blood on them, which is okay, I've had worse.  But in my head I won that battle.  Why?  I got blood all over his sweatshirt.  Ha, ha!

I threw it next to where the lamp lay across the carpet.  My (small) pile of victories.  Too bad I couldn't add my switchblade to that pile.

When Gunner threw me in here, he quite literally threw me on the bed.  He looked at me and growled (in the most scary voice ever) "I have to go think.  Behave."  However, I spent years watching bored parents and hyper children at the circus, watching the devious carnies surrounding me, and watching the few cops who had caught me pickpocketing.  I knew people, I knew their emotions well.  Gunner, though he may act like it, wasn't angry.  I could tell. 

I don't know what he is feeling.  Probably just confusion.  I'm confussed, too.  I mean, why the hell am I here? 

I have been sitting on this bed just staring for at least an hour, and the previous hour I was in here trying to find a way out.  Two hours and no one has come for me.  It's damn annoying.  I'm tired of waiting. 

"Don't wait for a moment to be perfect, take the moment and make it perfect."

I read that in a book somewhere, maybe a song?  I don't know where it came from, but I like it.  I looked around the room.  The only way to make  a perfect moment happen, was to...

-Gunner's POV-

I don't know why, but wrestling Enceladus for the knife she wanted to kill me with really turned me on. 

Yes, you heard me right.  And yes, I know that's screwed up.  I ended up taking an extremely cold shower for an hour after I dumped her in my room.  Excuse me, our room.  I just couldn't get her out of my head.  I had to shower in one of the guest bedrooms. I put some sweats on (no shirt) and sat on the bed and twirled the knife I confiscated from her in my hands.  It was black and gold.  It was definetly quick-release and looked expensive.  I switched the blade open, it was large and sharp, I wonder where she got it? 

I looked closer at the blade to see an engraving. Immediately, my curiousity peaked as I squinted my eyes to read it.  For my little thief, Enceladus.

What the hell?  What does that even mean?  Is Enceladus a thief? Is she good?  If so, I'm already proud.  It makes me angry someone gave this to her, though.  Especially the word 'my'.  Enceladus was mine, forever and always.

That's it, I have to ask her.  The knife is so mysterious and I can't stand the thought that someone else gave her a knife.  As I walked down the halls toward our room I kept thinking Why would anyone give her a knife, of all things? And on top of that, who gave it to her? I stood outside the large wooden doors.  Should I knock?  She was probably pissed at me for locking her in there... Just as I raised my fist to knock on the door I heard a bone-chilling scream. 

It was loud, and definetly female.  Most importantly, it came from the other side of the door. 

I fumbled with the keys to open it as quickly as I could.  I was so scared that Enceladus was hurt, or worse.  I busted through the door to see her lying on the floor.  She wore my sweatshirt, but it had blood on it.  She didn't react to me coming in.  She just stared vacantly at the cieling. 

I froze in the doorway.  Oh god, was she dead?


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