Chapter 14: Rats

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"What!? How could you?! You already have a baby!" I screamed, throwing blows at his chest as he tried to contain me.

Everything shattered that very moment. How could I make it? Everything's over. Everything isn't right, anymore.

I felt Eddy pull me back by my arms, "Zoe, chill!" He yelled, holding my wrists together.

"No! Fuck that! I'm going to kill him! Let me go!" I finally freed myself as I charged towards Tyler, kicking, slapping and punching the shit out of him, again.

To top off all of my stress, the slut is pregnant, too! I can't fucking believe this. The bullshit never ends!

"I'm fucking sorry! Ok!? I can't go back, what else do you want from me?!" He screamed at me.

Why was I the one being yelled at? He's the one that got someone else pregnant.

"I want you to get the fuck out of my life! Every time I let you back in, you fuck it up! It's one thing to cheat on me, but to get her pregnant!? While I'm pregnant!?" I screamed, falling to my knees while Eddy tried keeping me on my feet.

"Look, I promise I'll be there for the both of them!"

"No, you won't be there for my baby. Maybe for Sarah's but not mine."

"You can't keep me away from my fucking kid! It's mine, too!" Tyler charged towards me while Eddy jumped in front of me.

"Tyler, chill! You can't hit her, bro!" Eddy pushed Tyler away from me.

"I don't care if it's your kid! I wouldn't want it to grow up around a filthy cheater like you!"

"Man, people fuck up, too! It's life!"

"So you're telling me you find it ok that you've gotten someone else pregnant while I was pregnant?"

"No, but.... What is there to do now? What's done is done...."

"Whatever." I wiped my tears. "If that's how you feel." I got up, brushing myself off and looked at Eddy, "C'mon, Eddy." I took him by his wrist, walking back inside.

"Don't fucking come in contact with me until I say it's ok. I will not hesitate to cop a restraining order." I glanced at Tyler once more before shutting the door in his face. Fuck him.

I stomped upstairs into my room and slammed that door, too. I hopped in bed, crying heavily into my pillows. It almost took me forever to take everything in. Even somethings were still hard for me to stomach.

I can't have this baby grow up with Tyler around it. I wouldn't want to put it through that. When it grows up someday, imagine me saying; "Hey, your daddy got another woman pregnant while I was with you.". That shit doesn't sit correctly with me. I honestly didn't want to pry Tyler away from it's life but he's driving me to do it. Where do I even stand with him, anymore?

I heard someone knock on the door.

"Don't come in!" and they came in anyways.

"What, Eddy." I mumbled into the pillow.

I felt him sit at the foot of the bed, "I'm sorry you had to find out that way..."

"Fuck it. It's whatever."

"Um.. Well, I'm here if that makes you feel any better.."

"Thank you." I switched positions. "I'm going to sleep, now."

He left, leaving me in painful, yet soothing silence. How will this whole pregnancy turn out, now? Fuck life.


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