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Rosalie's POV

Once I heard the sound of Asher's heartbeat slow down, I knew he had fallen asleep. I risked a glance up at him to see my suspicions were correct. He was sleeping soundly, his head turned slightly towards the right. I smiled softly at how peaceful he looked. So human. I reached up and let the tips of my fingers graze over the strong jawline he had. When he shivered, I quickly pulled my hand away and slipped out of the bed.

I leaned down and pressed my lips against his forehead before exiting my room, using my speed to rush out quietly. I ran towards Edward's room and I grabbed one of Edward's older button down shirts before rushing to my room and setting the shirt on the end of my bed. I left my room again, shutting my bedroom door behind me and made my way down the stairs towards the sitting room, where my entire family was gathered.

Emmett and Serena, sat in the loveseat, Serena in Emmett's lap and Emmett's arms wrapped tightly around her. Jasper and Alice sat on the couch, with Alice leaning into Jasper's side and Jasper's arm wrapped around her shoulders and he held a book in his free hand. Edward sat on the other of the couch, a book in hand. Carlisle sat in the arm chair with Esme standing behind him, her hands on his shoulders.

Once I entered the room, all eyes were on me and Emmett wore a knowing smirk on his face. If I were able to, my face would probably be turning a scarlet color right about now.

"How was it?" Emmett was the first to speak up. I rolled my eyes at my ever immature brother and took my seat in the other armchair in the room.

"None of your business," I said in annoyance, crossing my arms against my chest.

"I've never heard you beg before, Rosalie. It was quite an interesting experience," Edward joined in on the teasing and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't beg," I said, glaring at my other brother angrily.

"Yes you did," Edward said, he and Emmett exchanged looks before Emmett spoke again.

"Please," Emmett mimicked what I suppose was supposed to be my voice as he batted his eyelashes at me. I rolled my eyes yet again and looked at Carlisle.

"Carlisle. You'll lose two sons today," I said, my tone sharp and full of warning. Carlisle smiled in amusement as he raised his hand up silently.

"Now, boys. Let's leave poor Rosalie alone. She doesn't deserve the teasing," Carlisle said, "You should be happy someone is finally able to tame your sister."

I groaned, rolling my eyes again as all three of my brothers bursts into fits of laughter.

"Dear," Esme slapped Carlisle's shoulder and Carlisle chuckled, shaking his head.

"Alright, alright. I am sorry, Kitty," Carlisle smiled softly at me and I offered him a small smile back, "I am happy you've found him. Asher seems like a fine young man. He'll make the perfect mate for you."

"Oh trust me he will!" Alice said with a grin and we all turned to look at her, "I've seen it. He's fire and your ice but it's like you only can be tamed by one another. You even each other out. It's quite wonderful actually."

"You've really seen my future with him?" I questioned my sister, leaning over to look at her. She nodded her head softly.

"Yes. I've seen it as soon as he decided he wanted to get to know you. And I saw it even better when you decided to let him in. He makes you happy. And he's a wonderful addition to the family," Alice said as she looked at me. I smiled softly as I looked away from Alice, glancing down at my hands in my lap.

I smelt Asher before I saw him. I could hear him making his way down the stairs. I knew that he was trying to keep quiet, but ever step he took made the floor creak. I looked up just as he stepped into the room. His face flushed as he noticed all eyes on him. He was wearing Edward's shirt, but it seemed that he had ripped the sleeves off of it. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at that. But I smiled softly when he offered a small grin and a nod of his head to my family.

Fire and Ice {Rosalie Hale} Where stories live. Discover now