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Rosalie's POV
It was a normal day for my family and I. Alice and I hunted when the sun peaked over the horizon and made home just in time to get ready for another day of school. I showered and got dressed and waited for my siblings.

High school progressively grew tiring the more times you've attended it. But the younger we started out in a new town, the longer we were able to stay. Which was why we posed as high school students.

Alice insisted on not starting too young this year. She chose our years in high school. She knew something the rest of us didn't. But honestly, when didn't she? 

You see. My tiny pixie-like sister had a gift. She had the gift of subjective precognition. She was able see what was going to happen. But the future wasn't always set in stone. And it was hard for her to see humans. She saw our kind better than anything. She was still able to see humans, it was just a bit harder.

Futures change when decisions change. But Alice was normally right about everything so our family trusted her judgement when she chose to move here and our starting ages.

Alice wasn't the only one in my family with a gift. Edward, Serena, and Jasper were also gifted. My brother Edward had the gift of telepathy. He was able to read the minds of others. I found his gift rather annoying. I hated it when he was in my head and he knew it. Jasper, Alice's mate and my other brother, had the gift of Pathokinesis. He was able to feel the emotions of others around him and manipulate them if need be. My sister Serena had hypnotic vision. If she were to look someone in the eyes, she could temporarily stun them. When she breaks eye contact her victims would be left confused and without memory.

Our patriarch, Carlisle, had a theory. He believed in our human lives, they've always had the power within them but it didn't fully develop until they became vampires.

Carlisle says Emmett and I had gifts as well, just not physical ones like our siblings. Emmett had his strength, he was stronger than most newborns and I had my beauty, I was easily the most beautiful vampire in the world. Carlisle had his compassion. He is able to resist human blood because of his compassion. Esme, our matriarch, had passion. She was able to love the people around her passionately.

Once all of my siblings were ready, we raced outside and piled into mine and Emmett's car. Alice and Jasper rode with me in my cherry red BMW 503 Cabriolet and Edward, Emmett, and Sabrina rode in Emmett's silver Buick Roadmaster Skylark. Emmett and I took off down the road, racing each other to the school.

When we pulled into the parking lot and parked our cars, I noticed that yet again all eyes were on us. It was rather annoying to be watched constantly like that but it happened wherever we went so I had to get used to it.

I climbed out of the car with Alice and Jasper, grabbing my books, aka my "props" from the backseat. They were unneeded. I knew everything we were learning in our classes anyways but they were what passed us off as high school students, so we carried them around. My family and I walked into the school, Emmett and Serena taking the lead as we walked to our lockers.

Luckily, the school had placed our lockers all near one another so between classes we were able to meet up and spend time with one another. We all gathered in a small group near our lockers. We were talking amongst ourselves in almost whispers to keep the mortals from trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Apparently a Southsider has just returned from being away for 5 months. He's all the entire school can seem to think about," Edward said as he leaned against a locker. This was anything new to us. Edward often used his gift to provide us with brief entertainment to help us deal with attending high school. Sometimes the thoughts of our peers were boring, nothing imaginative or interesting. But there are times, times like this, when I guess I can say it's interesting.

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