|Ugly| • |Chanwoo(iKon)|

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No warnings.


Stupid Hanbin with his stupid aegyo. He was dancing to Twice again during the groups Vlive, trying to be cute. And it was working, because everyone knew that Hanbin was cute.

Then stupid Bobby was sat next to him, singing What is Love at the top of his lungs and trying to deafen the other members, because he could be shamelessly loud without any fear of the others being annoyed.

Donghyuk was doing that stupid giggle that all of the fans loved so much, watching the two and all their shenanigans, trying to keep the mood bright.

The three other members were stupidly dancing along in their chairs, while Chanwoo watched on with a storm raging inside him.

How come they could get away with being complete idiots but he always had to be so careful?


Chanwoo's mood slump had all started about two weeks before, when the other members convinced him it would be a great idea to Google himself.

Donghyuk had googled himself and found pictures of his stupidly large nipples and fans all gushing over them.

The number of stupid sexy edits of Bobby was unbelievable. But the first thing to come up when they Googled Chan?

Jung Chanwho?
A Guide to the Shitty Maknae of iKon

He'd spent an hour reading about every little imperfections that the 'fans' found annoying, and had a long think. He didn't want to be seen like that. Was he really as useless and crappy as they thought?

He'd never really thought about it before, but the more he pondered it, the more he began to doubt himself and his ability in the group.

"Food's here!" Junhoe called through the house, and Chanwoo finally closed the page, going to eat with the others.


Over the next couple of weeks, Chan became awkwardly quiet around the others. Especially on TV. He didn't want to say anything that would upset anyone and make them hate him even more.

He just laughed along when he was dragged into his hyungs jokes, and answered any basic questions that were sent his way.

On this particular day, they were filming a little video for fans, messing around in the dorms. Chanwoo emerged from his room sleeping, wearing some ultra-stylish clothes that he'd bought on impulse to help him feel a little better about himself.

"Good morning iKonic~" he sing-songed in English. Today, for some reason, he was feeling good. It was beginning to sink in that everyone had anti-fans, and it was a just a sign that he was getting more famous.

"You look very stylish tosay Channie." Jinhwan cooed.

"Thanks. I feel like B.I hyung today." The maknae laughed.

"Yeah, you wish. You could never be as amazing as me." Hanbin joked back, mumbling something about his superior fashion sense.

And that's what finally broke Chanwoo.

He took a deep breath, forcing a laugh, and went back to his room.

As soon as the door shut behind him, he practically tore his shirt off, throwing it across the room in frustration and actually feeling himself crying.

Hanbin was right. He was never going to be as good as the other members.

He flopped back on his bed and just cried, wishing he could retract his contract and just move to another country where nobody knew him. Maybe that way he could get some peace of mind.


Yunhyeong finished recording his little segment of the fans and grinned to himself, heading towards his bedroom to get changed into some warmer clothes. The day had turned cold really quickly and he didn't know why. The sun was still shining brightly. Something was just wrong that day.

When he reached his and Chanwoo's room, he didn't bother knocking (they'd seen each other naked enough times for it to not really be embarrassing anymore) and just pushed the door open.

When he opened the door, he noticed firstly that Chanwoo had yet again been careless and thrown clothes all over Yunhyeong's bed.

Then he noticed that Chanwoo had fallen asleep in a really weird way, flopped all over the bed. He looked more like Hanbin than he had before actually.

(Seriously they needed to stop Hanbin sleeping everywhere.)

But when he came closer to put a blanket over the maknae's sleeping form, he noticed that Chanwoo had a red, blotchy face, and the important detail, that the shirt was the one he felt really good about that morning.

And now he wasn't wearing it. It looked as though the shirt had been completely abandoned on the other bed.

Yunhyeong bit his lip. His first instinct was to leave and pretend he hasn't seen anything. He wanted to preserve the youngers dignity.

But he also knew better than that. Chanwoo could be sensitive. Maybe he needed to talk.

So Yunhyeong beat his masculinity into some dark corner of his heart and gently shook the maknae's shoulder until he pried his glassy eyes open.

When he realised that he'd been caught in this state, he sat bolt upright and scooted himself away from the older man, trying to cover his face.

"Channie, are you okay?" Yunhyeong really didn't know how to approach the subject. "You know you can talk to me if you need."

"I'm fine." Chan lied. "Thanks though hyung."

There was an awkward silence, until the maknae felt a weight against his own body, and quickly melted into his hyungs embrace.

Being a jokey group, it wasn't often that the members shared sentiments, so getting a hug like this re-triggered Chanwoo's tears, and he cried into Yunhyeong. It felt good. It was a relief.

"Let it all out Chan. We'll help you."


"Happy birthday to you~" voices cheerfully rang out in the dorm as Chanwoo smiled into the camera.

Donghyuk smudged some of the bright icing across the maknae's face, grinning proudly as Chan glared back.

"Ah our maknae's having another birthday. It makes me feel so old." Bobby sighed.

"You are old, hyung." Chanwoo grinned as he stuffed his cheeks with the delicious cake.

"Yah, don't be a brat or you don't get presents." He was warned, and hugged tightly by Hanbin. As fans typed away their congratulations on the vlive app, the other members were quick to point out comments that stood out.

Ah, our handsome maknae!

We love you Chanwoo!

You look so cute today!

Please step on me daddy!

And other comments that made them laugh. Chanwoo was reminded that he was loved every day by his members and their shenanigans.

He loved being a member of iKon, and he'd never been more proud.

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