|Coffee| • |SungJen and WenJae (Day6/RV)|

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AO3 Request
Day6 and RV
Fluff I guess


Stunning. She was absolutely stunning.

Jae actually had to slap himself out of whatever trance she'd put him in.

Well, actually, Sungjin had to slap him out of the trance, resulting in Jae cursing a lot in English and glaring at the younger. "Hey, what was that for?"

"Jennie was talking to you, asshole." Sungjin pointed towards his girlfriend, who was desperately trying not to laugh at the red mark that was making a presence on Jae's usually pale skin.

"I said, that barista has been staring at you loads since you got here. It's like she's waiting for something." Jennie cheekily smirked, seeing Jae's other cheek start to flush red as well.

"Or maybe she's just staring because you're pale and weird looking. She's trying to figure out if there's an alien in the café." Sungjin helpfully suggested, earning another giggle and a high-five from Jennie.

"You guys are such idiots." Jae rolled his eyes (slightly jealous of how cute Sungjin and Jennie were together and wishing he had something like that), gaze drifting back over the beautiful dark-haired woman that was busy arranging the brownies neatly under the glass.

Jae wondered if her kiss tasted as sweet as the cakes she was proudly selling.

"Jesus Christ Jae." Sungjin slightly annoyed voice woke him up again. "Stop staring and listen when the lady is speaking."

Oops, Jae had ignored Jennie again.

The girl in question rolled her eyes, leaning over the table to talk to Jae more quietly, so there was no chance of the barista hearing. "When I went to get our drinks, she asked for your name. She's into you. Why don't you go and ask her out?"

"Because he's a wuss." Sungjin took a smug sip of his coffee, raising an eyebrow at Jae, as if to challenge him.

"But we could go on double dates. It would be so cute." Jennie's button nose scrunched up slightly as her excited smile met her eyes. Sungjin had to really stop himself from smiling at that too. (He was a Busan boy, he wasn't gonna let himself lose his masculinity just because his girlfriend smiled...

Oops, now he was smiling too.)

"Or I could repeatedly stab myself with a fork and see how many stabs it takes before I pass out. That sounds about as much fun." Jae pretended to suggest, earning another glare from Sungjin.

"Jae you keep looking at her, you obviously like her. Just ask her out for God's sake." He commanded, and Jae shook his head.

"Look at her. She can't be single." He picked up his napkin to wipe his mouth.

Jennie's eyes went wide as she grinned. "Jae look!"

Jae absent-mindedly wiped his mouth, waiting for Jennie to explain herself. She grabbed the (used, and now disgusting) napkin out of Jae's hands, turning it over and presenting it back to him.

It had a phone number written on it, followed by a message saying:

"Call me if you want?
          - Wendy x"

Jae instantly snapped his gaze back up to her as she blushed slightly, pretending to get back to work, as if she hadn't noticed him reading the note.

Jae took a moment to read the note again, enjoying the fluttering he felt in his heart at the thought that she liked him back, until Jennie began threatening him again.

"If you don't marry her, I'll never forgive you."

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