|Questions| • |JaehyungYoonIan|

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Warnings: smut, language

In which Dowoon seeks answers from Young K and Jae.


Dowoon glanced between the members as they all sprawled out watching some action movie that he didn't really care for.

The young man hadn't been able to focus very well recently, which he had pinned down to his constant sexual frustration.

It had begun a couple of weeks before when he was cuddling Wonpil, as he so often did, but then somehow ended up with an awkward boner that he had to explain was 'Nothing to do with Wonpil, it had just happened'.

Wonpil had just laughed it off, knowing that Dowoon 'wasn't gay'. Well... He was but Wonpil didn't know that.

(But the boner really wasn't because of Wonpil.)

He'd originally realised he liked men when he's woken up in the middle of the night to hear Jae and Younghyun having sex. His eyes nearly popped right out of their sockets, but instead of covering his ears or whatever like any respectful friend would have done, he actually listened in, trying to visualise the whole thing, and found himself... well, enjoying it. And he thought about women and how he'd never really seen women sexually.

Now one thing was for sure, Dowoon was gay.

But he wanted to simultaneously test this theory and relieve his frustration at the same time.

He had been trying for days to figure out the best way to do this, and the best person to do it with, but he just wasn't sure.

First there was Wonpil. Wonpil was his cute best friend. Dowoon didn't see Wonpil in a sexual way at all, and if he were to mention anything about it to Wonpil, the older would probably get weird about it, thinking Dowoon had a crush on him.

Then there was Sungjin. Their tough leader wasn't very good at being sympathetic. If Dowoon were to mention anything about sleeping with Sungjin, the leader would immediately begin listing reasons why that was a bad idea. And the reason at the top of the list would be that Sungjin was straight.

Then there was Jae and Younghyun. The two people who had started this damn thing in the first place.

Maybe they would be the best option. At least to talk to.

Dowoon sighed and turned back to the movie, debating whether to just let himself fall asleep now so he didn't have to think about it anymore.


When the movie had finished, Dowoon excused himself to bed, while the others stayed up to watch another film. He figured that gave him plenty of time to relieve at least a bit of frustration.

Almost immediately when he walked into the bedroom, he made a beeline for his bed, pulling out his phone and loading up some random video to get off to quickly, before the others finished whatever they were watching.

The hand that wasn't holding his phone quickly trailed down past his waistband and began to tease his limp organ until it was hard, and he could finally-

"That movie is so shit, I can't believe they're going to sit through it." Jae sighed as he burst into the room, knowing that Dowoon wouldn't have fallen asleep yet.

Dowoon mentally strangled Jae for screwing up yet another chance he had, and removed his hand again. He gave a slight uninterested hum in response.

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