|Mischief| • |Dopil|

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Requested on AO3.

Fluff with the cutest, fluffiest maknaes.

Don't read if you're hella soft for Dopil like I am.


"Hyung, this is a bad idea." Dowoon was well aware of the risk that they were under. Any second now, Jae could wake from his sleep and catch them, and then everything would be ruined.

"Come on, you know that Jae hyung sleeps through everything. Plus, it's close to finishing anyway." Wonpil pointed towards the oven, where their precious secret cake was baking.

"But why?" Dowoon leaned grumpily on the counter. "You didn't bake a cake for my birthday. You always do something special for Jae's birthday."

Wonpil went slightly quiet, the tips of his ears beginning to blush a light pink. "I dunno. I guess it's just because Jae never appreciates me and I want him to remember that I'm not just a dumb keyboardist with an ugly sweater." The boy motioned to the jumper which he'd specifically put on to annoy Jae on his birthday.

"But we're supposed to be best friends, I always do something for your birthday." Dowoon was pouting now, but Wonpiol tried to deny the puppy-dog look.

Wonpil took the cake out of the oven, desperately trying to avoid Dowoon's gaze. "It's all baked now, did you tube the icing?"

"Hyung, why are you avoiding the qestion so much?" Dowoon decided to press a little further. Not gonna lie, it hurt him when Wonpil would shower the other members with gifts, but he was left with a tie or something stupid like that on his birthday. Especially considering how much he loved his hyung.

"Dowoon-ah..." Wonpil sighed. "I always plan something for your birthday. I just- I just never get to do it."

"What is it?" Dowoon hadn't expected that, and it excited him a little. If it was something difficult to organise maybe it was travelling or something.

"Maybe you'll find out on your next birthday." Wonpil smiled teasingly, and began to ice the cake, not before squirting a dollop on the end of the maknae's nose.

And that was as far as their conversation got.

Until a few days later, when Dowoon and Wonpil were in their usual cuddle space on the sofa, and Jae burst through the door. "Wonpil! What's this?"

He had a huge teasing grin across his face as he held up a tiny piece of paper. "You paid for a table at a hella expensive restaurant last month!"

"Yah, Hyung! How did you get that?" He jumped to his feet, almost tackling Jae to the ground to wrestle the reciept from his hands.

"I was going through our reciepts to try and return my new shirt, it's too small." Jae put his hands up in defense. "So who were you taking out? That place is so romantic. You have a girlfriend you haven't told us about?"

"I- uh, no, I-"

"Wait until Sungjin hears about this!" Jae grinned, snatching the recipt back and bolting for the door to rat out Wonpil to their leader. He was like such an annoying sibling sometimes.

"You took a girl out to a restaurant?" Dowoon asked as the keyboardist laid back down next to him.

"No... uh, I paid for it to go with someone I really like, but we never ended up going."

"Oh really? Who is she hyung?" Dowoon was slightly crying inside but it was okay, he was going to support his hyung in whatever relationship Wonpil wanted.

"Maybe youll find out on your next birthday, Dowoonie." Wonpil spoke quietly, cuddling back up against Dowoon, who didn't question him further. He could already guess that his feelings for Wonpil were mutual, which made him grin like an idiot.

The two cuddled until Sungjin burst in the door, demanding an explanation and Wonpil had to admit in front of everyone how deeply he was in love with Dowoon rather than telling him over the romantic dinner that he'd planned.

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