|Cute Together| • |Jimin (15&)|

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Male or female reader.
Fluff and chicken,
In which Jae needs to get off Twitter.


"Jae I swear to god I'm gonna smack you." You yelled as you checked your Twitter feed. Of course Jae had just uploaded some dumb picture of you and Jamie backstage from the last ASC episode, captioning it with something disgusting.

They're so cute together~

Jimin had laughed when she saw it, throwing an arm over your shoulder and making some comment about how adorable you two would be as a couple.

You had blushed, and prayed that they didn't notice.

"Ew Jae look at this." Jimin got distracted by something else on her phone, leaving you sat slightly flustered and annoyed. Jae didn't know you liked Jamie. Nobody did. But it still annoyed you to no end when he called you out on it.

After a long day of recording, the manager had said that the four of you had to stay behind a while, which was bad enough, but with Jae there...

Life was hell.

In a good way.

"You alright there, y/n?" Kevin's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you quickly smiled up at him.

"Yeah, thanks." He didn't look convinced, so you decided to confide in him. Just to see what would happen. "Alright, no."

"What's up?" Taking a seat next to you, he slung his arm across your shoulder, as jimin had done before.

How do you even tell someone something like that?

I'm in love with my co-host??

"You're what?" Kevin's eyes went wide, and it took a moment to realise that you'd said that out loud.

"U-uh, well, I mean..." Kevin's smile spread cheek-to-cheek at this revelation. "Yeah..."

"You should tell her. Jamie's been really lonely recently, and you know she always has plenty of spare time for dating and stuff since JYP never gives her any work to do, so-"

"Yeah, Kevin!" You giggled at the slight jab he'd made, and glanced back over to where Jamie was stood with Jae, the two of them chatting something loud about chicken wings.

"Who turns down chicken?" Jimin exclaimed, rolling her eyes at Jae.

"That would be cannibalism!" Jae protested, but Jimin had already moved on and turned to look at you and Kevin.

"You two wanna go out for chicken after this?" She asked, absent mindedly biting a thumbnail after.

"I can't." Kevin quickly jumped to escape it. "I have to go and babysit my nephew."

There was a pause as Jimin judged whether he was telling the truth or bullshitting to get out of going out with her, but she shrugged it off and turned to you instead.

"Sure, I'll go."

The look that Kevin sent you made you want to punch him in the face.


"Okay, so if you had to date Kevin or Jae?" Jamie asked, biting into her spicy wing.

You almost choked at the question. The two of us usually ended up asking dumb stuff like this, but you weren't prepared for that question today.

"Neither." You laughed it off, taking a sip from your drink to ensure that you didn't choke in the future.

"Fair enough, I wouldn't date them either." She chuckled. "Me and you should be allowed to run the show. We make a great duo."

You smiled slightly at that. Jamie was so sweet. "Yeah, we do."

"Hey, after we finish these, you fancy going somewhere else?" Her eyes flicked up to you before looking back to her food nonchalantly, however you didn't miss the tiny pink blush begin to dust her cheeks.

"Y- yeah, of course." You tried not to let your smile grow too wide. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Dunno. Somewhere we can relax away from people for a while." She shrugged, gesturing around to the large crowd of people surrounding us.

"Wanna come to mine? I have some wine in the fridge that I bought for Jae's birthday. We can break it in and I'll buy him another bottle." You suggested, and she smiled.

"Sounds good."


"Jae's gonna be the death of me." You sighed at the notification.

LilChicken has tagged you in a post.

You opened it to see what he wanted. It was a photo of you and Kevin, and the caption read 'Who's cuter with Y/N , Jimin or Kevin?'.

There were various comments from fans who were 'omo'ing and 'uwu'ing at the idea. Jamie giggled. "You and Kevin would be cute."

Then she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around your waist. "But me and you are definitely cuter."

You smiled while you had your back to her, feeling your cheeks heat up. "We definitely are."

"Hey, Y/N, can I tell you something?" Jamie asked after a moment of silence. You were pouring out the wine, but she still hadn't let go of your waist.

"Sure, anything." You replied back in your most comforting tone.

"I'm in love with someone." Your breath hitched, and with her arms around your abdomen, she could probably feel it.

"Oh no, it's Jae, isn't it?" You turned lightly to laugh, so she could see that you were just kidding.

When you turned your head, she leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, before slipping her wine glass out of your hands.

"Jae's right. Me and you would be cute together."

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