Celebrities-short lemon

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(Short lemon/lime idk how to honestly place it under) Sorry for any errors!🐢

The blonde hiccuped as he sat in front of the young bartender. "Sorry old man, but that's enough for you tonight. Want me to call a cab for you? We are closing now ", the young bartender asked with a worried expression on his face. The blonde stared at him and began to laugh, causing him to fall off the bar stool.

"No worries, I'm with him", an attractive guy said as he pulled the blonde of the floor. "Umm, so like are you paying for him too? Cause like he hasnt paid a single drink", the bartender said. "Ah oui!", the guy replied as he dropped the blonde without a care in the world.

He took out his wallet and panicked when he saw about 20 American dollars left. "So I calculated his total and its about 900 dollars. Will it be cash, credit or debit?", the young one asked with a smile plastered on his face. "Look can I just pay only 20. We're both not from here and I'm kind of low on money", the attractive one explained as he picked up the guy from the floor. The bartender shaked his head side to side.

"I'm sorry to hear about your financial situation but I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to call the po-po", the bartender explained.

"The po-po? What's that?", the attractive one asked. "Its the police, duh", the bartender said as he began to take out his phone. "My name is Francis Bonnefoy and this is Arthur Kirkland, you can't just call the police! We are celebrities for heavens sake! Please, our fans haven't even heard that the two of us are together! It will ruin both of our reputations" Francis quickly explained as he snatched away the bartender's phone. "Guess what? I'm Alfred F. Jones and I own this place. Now give me my phone back!", Alfred growled as he jumped over the counter.

"Non!!!!", Francis screamed as got ready to smash the phone to pieces. Alfred glared at him as his phone was close to its end. "We can make a deal", Francis suggested as he smiled at Alfred. Alfred kept his eyes fixed on his phone before meeting the Frenchman's gaze.

"I can call my manager to pay you triple of what Arthur here owns you, all you have to do is not call the police and we will be on our way. Deal?"

"Deal. Now hand over my phone", Alfred demanded as he extended his hand. Francis gulped as he slowly proceeded to hand over the phone. As soon as the phone was in Alfred's hand, he began to dial 911. "Merde! You cant call them!" Francis screamed as he took the phone away and threw it across the room.

A loud crack was clearly heard. Alfred stared in disbelief as he fell to the ground. Francis took out some handcuffs that he had intended on using on Arthur later on, and quickly put them on Alfred. "Dude, its not cool to place some kinky crap on me!"

Arthur woke up and crawled towards Alfred. Francis smiled and sat back. 'This was going to be something fun watch' Francis thought. Arthur smiled and gently cupped Alfred's face. He then proceeded to trace Alfred's jawline.

Alfred was by this point beet red. He struggled against the handcuffs. "You're cute", Arthur whispered into his ear. Alfred stopped struggling as he was too shocked by the man's words. Francis smirked and decided to join his partner. Arthur's scent was strong enough to arouse Alfred. He could see a tent forming under his bartender uniform as Arthur attacked his neck with kisses.

Francis hummed as he quickly unbuttoned Alfred's shirt. Alfred gasped as soon as he felt the cold air envelope his upper body. His exposed abs lured both men to stop and admire the well toned abs before them. "How old are you", Francis asked as he kept his gaze fixed on the hot body before him. "Twenty-one".

"Good enough", Francis replied as he allowed his fingers to caress the younger ones abs. "Fuck off, Frog. You're stealing all the fun", Arthur said as before he proceeded to kiss Alfred. "Impatient as always" Francis said as he took of his own shirt.

Alfred found himself moaning into the kiss. As soon as it ended, Arthur backed away to get a good view of Alfred. "You were right frog, he was just the fun that we needed", Arthur said as he undressed himself. "You aren't drunk?"

"Love, haven't you ever heard of pretend play?", Arthur said as his boyfriend kissed his cheek. "A person pretends to be part of their fantasy, and in this case, you were the target. You've been in our minds since we saw you 3 days ago at convenience store. In a way, we have been stalking".

Alfred was full on sweating by now. He was lost in pleasure. "Heres the deal, pleasure me and I'll forget about y'all's debt". Francis and Arthur grinned.

This was going to be one crazy American night for the two foreigners and the native.

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