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Britain was awakened by a sweet aroma of cinnamon. He felt warmth coming from an unknown source near him. "A--America!", he managed to say. "Mornin' to you too... why did you wake up for? You looked so cute in your sleep", America said with a smirk. Britain suddenly felt his face heat up as he took notice of the shirtless American in front of him.

"Omg! Look at those abs! Damn right", Britain thought to himself. America blushed because the Brit was currently staring right at his abdomen with some  drool coming out of his mouth.
          Luckily France came in to disrupt the moment. "Bonjour!" the Frenchman said as he walked towards the Brit. "Dude! Did you literally made cinnamon rolls for me?" asked the American out of nowhere. France hugged America from behind and spoke. "Oui, i did them especially for you".

America turned around and kissed the Frenchman's cheek and ran out Britain's room making his way towards his precious cinnamon rolls.

*Time skip*

"America, you sure ate a lot", said Britain as he sipped his tea. France cleared his throat gaining the other nations attention. "I think that from now on, we should address each other with our human names."

America nodded taking another bite from his cinnamon roll. Britain stared at America and smiled."So Alfie, I see you've grown just according to plan", Arthur said with another sip taken from his tea cup. Alfred nearly choked at his comment and Francis just began to laugh. "Just like I thought, he hasn't changed a bit", Arthur thought to himself as he felt himself zone out. He blinked shaking away the feeling.

He saw Alfred struggling to get away from Francis' grasp. You see, Francis was tickling Alfred on his sides. Alfred was dying of laughter while, Francis showed him no mercy.

"Stop i-it! Pleaseee!", Alfred pleaded as the tickling never seemed to seize.

"Leave the baby alone, can't you see he's in pain. Besides if he does die on us, we would struggle to hide his body", Arthur said as he helped Alfred get away from Francis. "Hey, we should go to the park!", Alfred said as he began to look for his shoes. Unfortunately for him, Francis kept smacking his butt everytime he would bend over to look under the coach to look for his shoes.

"Nice, round and firm", Francis smiled to himself said as he walked out the door.

Alfred blushed furiously as Arthur agreed with Francis. "You can go on, i'll catch up to you guys once I find my shoes", Alfred said to Arthur as he continued his search.


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