Chapter one

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The three of them sat in complete silence as the awkwardness consumed them. Luckily Canada walked in just in time for the awkwardness to disappear. "So...what's the point of Thanksgiving anyway," asked the confused Frenchman. "That is actually a great question, maybe one of these two North Americans can answer it," replied Britain with an raised eyebrow. "Well my dudes, its time for some story time!", said the obnoxious American. Britain smirked knowing that the story that was about to be told, was most likely all made up by America's non-functional brain...well if he even had one.

America cleared his throat and proceeded with his story telling. "It all began when Britain's evil boss, King George da third, allowed some dumb ass British people to come to my land for settlement. But little did they know, that MY PEOPLE were already  there. Like crazy yo! Anyways once they arrived they like, began starving to death and died of disease and died from the frequent attacks MY PEOPLE kept on inflicting upon them. Anyway, MY PEOPLE, decided it was enough and actually helped the Britons who called themselves pilgrims because they had a "pilgrimage", to my place, with their proble-", America was suddenly cut.


America stayed silent and went over to France. France understood what America wanted and pulled him into a hug. Canada awkwardly got up and left considering the fact that he knew where this was going. America began to cry, holding onto France. Britain stared at the two feeling guilt wash over him.

"I am sorry...I have trouble expressing myself. I shall be going now." With those words America and France began to laugh. "Oui Oui, our little acting went according to plan, non? You did well Amerique", the Frenchman managed to say.

"Wait...I am guessing this was all a set up. Or am I wrong?", said an annoyed Briton. "Yeah, dude you totally fell for it, but it was necessary", America said getting serious along with France. "Moi, I mean America and I, have been wanting to tell you something for a while now". Britain gulped, unprepared to what the two idiots would say or do. "Well... we have feelings for you. As in...we love you, Britain", the American said with a smile.

Britain was shocked. "You two sure drank a lot. You two don't really mean that. I am pretty sure this is one of your pranks, so I won't fall for it. Besides I am....a nobody", Britain said finally rejecting their confession.

"Mon amour..."
"Don't call me that frog!"
"Dude dont be so harsh"
"Wait what are you two doing, get away from me!"

France kissed Britain's left cheek while America kissed his right cheek. The Brit blushed at the sudden action the two performed.

"....Please, get out of my house, this has been to much for me for today". France smiled and left, but America stayed. "America please le-" he was cut off by a pair of warm lips pressed against his own. Britain reacted quickly and pushed America away from him. "Aww, you look so cute all blushing and plus, your reaction was worth seing. Well have a good day!", the obnoxious American said with a smirk. He left leaving a confused Brit behind.

Britain smiled to himself feeling the warmth of the American still present on his lips.......
"No, bloody hell I am beginning to act like a silly teenage girl!"

"They love me, and I love them too but...I could never choose between the two of them. I love the bloody frogs comforting personality but then again I have loved America for a very long time...."

Britain fell asleep silently wishing he could be with the two nations at the same time. Yes, others would most likely think of him as a slut, but he could care less. He only wanted to be loved....

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