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"I have something to say", Alfred said as he took off his glasses. "What is it Al?", Matthew asked as he munched on some popcorn. Alfred sat across his brother and took the bowl of popcorn away from him. Matthew gave him a 'give it back or else' look.

"I want to have a bigger butt", Alfred said looking down. "You're being serious aren't you?", Matthew said as he managed to get back his popcorn. Alfred nodded. "Well, have you tried any exercises?"

"Nope, but I had read somewhere on the internet that eating food containg fat, can help with getting a bigger butt. I really need your help though", Alfred said as he smiled at Matthew.

"Ha, no. I am not going to this with you. I do want a larger butt, you do but not me bro", Matthew replied as he smirked at his brother. Alfred frowned and got on his knees. "Please! Do it for me! Think of all the attention you will get when you pass by women and men!", Alfred begged, fake tears present on his face.

Matthew thought about it looked down to his brother. "Fine".

2 months later

"Dude! It actually worked, your butt actually looks bigger!", Alfred said as both his brother and him were checking themselves out in the mirror.

"Ahem!", Alfred along with Matthew shrieked and turned around. "What are you two doing? Whatever it is, it better not be something weird", Arthur replied as he checked out Alfred with a smirk. Matthew slapped his brother's butt and left the room, leaving the two alone. "It doesn't look like it looks like", Alfred said too quickly. Arthur raised his eyebrow and got nearer to the American.

"Oh my gosh, this is totally embarassing! I only did this because I wanted to be thick and-", Alfred's thoughts were interrupted when he was suddenly shoved against the wall.

Piercing green eyes meeting terrified sky blue eyes. "Umm, I..I..I can explain", Alfred managed to say as he gently pushed Arthur away from himself. "I wanted a bigger butt, because its been trending lately and well I....I asked Mattie to help me out".

Arthur began to laugh and dropped on his eyes rolling around as he laughed. Francis walked in and stared at the rolling Brit on the floor. "Has he gone mad? Or is he on drugs?", Francis asked as he jumped over the Brit laughing on the floor. "Gee, well I think he's being a disrespectful old man", Alfred muttered. "I see you've been working out lately", Francis commented as he smiled at the younger male. "ARTHUR! If you don't stop laughing at me, i'm going to sleep with Francis tonight!", Alfred shouted as he hugged the Frenchman. "You will? Arthur, do me a favor and don't stop laughing", Francis added in.

Arthur stopped and sat up. "I'm sorry, but you Americans tend to go with what's trending, I bet you were going to do wavy eyebrows next, weren't you?" Arthur said as he composed himself. "I wasnt going to do wavy eyebrows, I honestly just wanted to get a bigger butt,"Alfred replied back.

Francis kissed Alfred's forehead and left the two to their conversation. A minute of silence passed until Arthur spoke up. "I am sorry....your arse is beautiful by the way...". "Wow, complementing with your British vocabulary, how seductive", Alfred said sarcastically. The Brit looked up at the American and smirked. " Have you shagged before?", the Brit asked.

Alfred looked puzzled, what did 'shagged' mean!?! He laughed pretending to know what 'shagged' meaned and nodded. "You're an idiot, you know. I know you Americans' don't know British slang. Wait here, I'll go bring frog."

Alfred awaited until he saw Arthur go into the next room to take out his phone. He quickly went onto google and searched the word 'shagged'.

verb. To shag is a slang term meaning to have sex with someone. An example of shag is a guy telling his friend he had shagged, had sex with, a girl.

It was at this moment, Alfred knew, he fucked up. Alfred knew, he was going to be bottom again, although he secretly enjoyed it. He knew, that Arthur and Francis were going to go on with their sexual desires. He began to wonder if they even loved him, and all they wanted was his body...

He felt weak, he soon began to cry. He never felt so humiliated in his life. He knew that Francis and Arthur had just enterd the room.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?", Francis asked as he sat next to him. Francis was about to hug him when Alfred snapped and pushed Francis away. "I just need some time alone", Alfred said and with that, he walked to his room to get dressed and walked out the door.

Matthew heard knocking at his door, he wanted to ignore it but his curiosity took over him. He opened the door, only to see his little brother standing there looking like crap. "I'll explain everything, just please let me in", Alfred said with tear brimmed eyes.

"Do you know how difficult it is to walk in the streets with no glasses on? I nearly got hit about a thousands timed just trying to reach you Mattie."

Matthew laughed and handed his brother a cup of lemonade. "So who made my little brother cry?" Alfred put the lemonade down and hugged his brother, allowing himself to cry onto him. Matthew was stunned, whoever made Alfred cry must have hurt him emotionally. "Do you want to talk about it later?" Alfred nodded and kept hugging his brother, he felt safer with someone he could call his family. 
(Next chapter soon, i know this one wasn't as good)

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