One down, five to go (part 12)

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At first I had no idea who the body belonged to. But when I rubbed some snow off of the jacket, the number had a 3 on it. The body was obviously a girl too. I think we all know who did this... I later get to know his name and its Titus. Since no-one has picked up her dead body, the poor girl is still alive. Twitching, sounding and smelling like a decaying zombie, Ajax decides to put her out of her misery when he throws down his hatchet down on her face, and then we hear the cannon finally sound. I wonder how long she had to stay laying on the ground like that. For all I know, it could have happened after the bloodbath. Surely whoever her family is, has probably been traumatized. I wonder what my family would do if I fell under the same fate. But I don't want it to happen obviously, so I just keep my mouth shut and try to live as long as humanly possible, while being with a bunch of trained killers. The only faces that appear this night are the girl from 6 and the female from 3.

We walk for what seems like miles until something horrible happens during the next day. Out of nowhere, I turn to see Kaily and the color on her face has completely drained, "Ajax, look out!" but its too late. His neck as already been impaled by a falling icicle. I take a look up and I see them hanging from a tall hill with icicles at the edge of it. Right after the thing impalas Ajax he starts to make these horrible choking sounds. "No-one take the icicle out! It could be caught on a vein or artery and could te-" and then Ajax stops choking, stiffens up, and the cannon sound at the same time.

"Good fucking job Kaily! Thanks to your smartass, Ajax is dead and we could have done something to save him. I bet your granny taught you very well on how to win, didn't she?" Clyde asks.

"Well my grandmother didn't mentor me, asshole! Besides, have any better ideas?" Kaily asks with a tear in her eye. She's on the verge of crying.

"I do, in fact. Just don't ask the all powerful Kaily so she doesn't screw us over!" Clyde shouts. We're forced to back up and see Ajax's body being picked up by a Capitol ship. Kaily trudges off, obviously crying, and goes in a random direction. "Kaily! Where ye' goin?" Clyde shouts.

"Anywhere is better than being with you. I don't care where I end up!" She replies. She tries to say something else but she's cut off by her own weeping. By now, a blizzard's approaching. 

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