Going to the Capitol

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Im separated by the Peacekeepers and am in a empty room, alone. I don't know why I'm here, but I hear the mourning of my parents getting louder and louder, along with several pairs of foot steps I can also hear. The door bursts open with my mourning family entering the room. Long story short, they were really sad to see me picked. I don't really want to get in the details since I'm sorta embarrassed since everyone was crying, even me. After the rest of my family was taken away, me and my district partner are taken and escorted by a pair Peacekeepers into a long, metallic train. I take a turn to my left and see my district partner also wiping tears from her face, and also putting on a poker face. She still looks sad since her eyes are watery. The doors of a train slide open automatically and we are sent on it. It must be the train to the Capitol where they send the tributes to train, participate in the parade, etc. I see that our escort is also on the train too.

"Theres my tributes!" Lionel says, almost screaming it.

"Ours, actually," Our mentor says. Its Greir Rollo, the man who won 31 years before this year with brute force. His Games weren't really remembered besides the fact that the winner that year was from home. 

"Wheres the other mentor?" My district partner asks.

"Its just me, kiddo," Grier says. 

"I thought there were always two mentors that mentored the tributes" The girl says

"Thats rarely the case. I wasnt mentored by two people. I was only mentored by Phox Yule. She was the sweetest thing ever. I wish she could mentor more people. Sadly, theres nothing I can do about that. I'm gonna quiz you guys to see how good your survival instincts are when it comes to being in the Games." Greir says.

"Sounds fair enough," I say.

"Okay. Question #1. How can you find water in a desert?" He asks.

 We don't answer immediately, but my district partner says, "You could get a sponsor?" She says. You can, but you have to very likable to have that. 

"Not the answer I was looking for, but you could. What if I couldn't get a sponsor for some reason. What would I do?" 

"...maybe get something from a cactus?" I ask. 

"Bingo! Thats right! Its not that clean and safe, but its far better than dying of dehydration. I almost died like that in the arena and I wasn't even in a desert. One point for...whats your name?" He asks. 

"Jackson Spidell." I say confidently.

 "Okay Jackson, nice job. Okay. Second question. What do you do during the first ten minutes of the Games. Participate in the bloodbath, or run away?"Its a hard question. To run blindly with supplies and maybe be killed, or to just run away with absolutely nothing. "Run away. I don't care if they have a billion dollars in there. Half of the tributes die there, with a 6th of those people usually being us. Don't go there. Running away with make your odds of winning at least double. You promise?"

"I'll try" I say. Elizabeth stays silent. One of the doors to the train open up and I see Lionel with three bottles of some exotic drink. In District 10, theres nothing really fancy. Heck, we have all types of animals just roaming around, minding their won business. We don't care. 

"So, who's winning?" Lionel asks.

"Jackson so far" Greir says. I take a glance behind me since I see a bright flash of light. I look behind me and notice that we're actually moving. Moving so fast we can't feel a thing. I didn't notice we were moving until now.

 "Yeah. I just checked where we were when I was getting some drinks and where apparently in District 8. Makes sense since I see so many cotton factories. I hear they get the cotton from District 11. Interesting stuff. This is why all of us must work, because if one doesn't, then the whole system would collapse." Lionel says.

"Oh please," Greir says, "like you guys do any work. I was a butcher before the Games. I probably did more work than all of you Capitol fools!" Me and Elizabeth laugh because its true.

"Nonsense!" He says, "We have jobs too! We have Gamemakers, Head Gamemakers, Le-"

"Oh, a Gamemaker is work to you?" Greir replies, "All they do is kill tributes. I did the same thing and I wasn't paid for it until much later. So you can take all of that bullshit and shove it up your ass!" He yells.

"Ugghhh, damnet Grier! This is why you shouldn't be a mentor. Your social skills suck!" Lionel shouts.

"I only talk to that for people I have real dirt on. Now scram you devilish bitch!" Greir shouts back. Lionel storms out the room and into another. "Anyways.... about combat. We can do this two ways. Watching previous Games, or training. Or both I suppose." Greir says. So far I'm starting to really like him.

"Both" me and Elizabeth say at the same time. 

"Okay. How about one of our winners from 10?" He asks. We both nod our heads in agreement. We rewind the Games to 5 years ago. Thats the bitch Tiffany Waxler I was talking about earlier.

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