I Didn't Mean To (smut)

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*Tyler's POV*

"You were so checking him out!" Mamrie slurred, shoving me so hard she lost her own footing. Thankfully I wasn't nearly as drunk as her, grabbing her waist before she collided with someone else on the dance floor and got herself into trouble.

"I was not!" I said strictly, letting my eyes wander back in the direction of 'him'. For once, I wasn't actually lying about not checking him out. He looked like he was fifty, and you could just tell by the way he held himself he thought he was the hottest thing in the club. Confidence is hot, arrogance is not.

"Look! You're doing it again! Isn't he what you guys call a 'bear'?" I sighed, ignoring the glares her obnoxiously loud voice had gotten us. Normally I loved a drunk Mamrie, the only difference tonight being the fact I wasn't drunk myself. I was tipsy, but far from drunk enough to disregard how horrible she was acting. Worse yet, it was only a matter of time before her loud voice attracted said 'bear'. He'd been eyeing up every guy in the club, I don't think he really cared at all which one he ended up going home with. Which undoubtedly meant, he'd approach me in a second if he thought I was interested.

"Let's go back to the bar." I said quietly, hoping my tentative tone would get her to quiet down as well. She just shoved me though, yelling that she wanted to dance. I thought about trying to convince her to come with me, before my eyes fell back on the man and I caught him winking at me. Oh god, I need to get off this dancefloor.

I shoved my way through the crowd of moving bodies, mumbling apologies as I shoved them all out of the way. One thing that sucked about being short, was trying to manage any type of crowd at all. On the upside, it was probably pretty difficult for creeper guy to spot me when every other person in the room was taller than me.

I emerged from the crowd a few seconds later, taking a deep gulp of the 'fresh' air. It was hardly fresh, considering the smell of alcohol and sweat was still pretty poignant, but it was nothing compared to being forced between the actual sweaty bodies. I headed straight for the bar, intending to get enough alcohol that I could be on the same level as Mamrie, when my eyes fell on the familiar chocolate brown quiff instead. I grinned before I could help myself, cracking my fingers before strolling toward him. It wasn't until I was a few steps away that I realized he was talking to the guy seated next to him. Ugh, I don't want to interrupt anything. Still, I wonder what kind of guy Troye is chatting up, he'd never really talked to anyone on prior trips to clubs. He always stuck right with me and politely rejected advances toward him. And trust me, there were a lot of those. Turns out I wasn't the only one who's first thought was 'look at this precious little twinkbottom' when I laid eyes on Troye. He was constantly being approached by random guys, often even girls as well. They'd all gotten the same response though, Troye politely saying he'd 'rather stay with his friends, sorry'. So what was it with this guy that was different?

I decided I'd just ask him about it later, sliding into a seat further down the bar. I didn't even think about the fact I'd purposely chosen one with a good view of Troye, it was just natural to me now. He was my best friend, of course I wanted to look out for him. Sure, he was twenty-one now, but I still looked at him as the little seventeen-year-old he'd been when I met him, I always would.

"What can I get you?" I looked up, flashing the bartender a smile. I hurriedly requested my usual whiskey drink, never once taking my eyes off of Troye and the random guy across the bar. He wasn't all that good-looking really. His hair was kind of messy and shoulder-length and he was sporty an unkempt beard that was almost cringe-worthy. He really wasn't the type of guy I pictured Troye to be into, but I guess to each their own. 

I was still casually observing them from afar, watching curiously at how Troye interacted with him, when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I hurriedly fished it out and checked the text, grinning when I seen it was Troye. So that's why he'd been staring down at his lap! I opened it with the same stupid grin on my face, curious to see what he had to tell me that was more important than his new companion. Who knows, maybe he'd even be asking me to come and rescue him from said companion.

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