Chapter 5

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'Mark Lee? Mark? Is this the guy who Taeyong mentioned? Who is he? How did he know me? Is he bad? Is he good? One way to know this is by asking him. Eh, I can ask Taeyong. He could be dangerous. He is still in a stranger category anyway.'

"Hey". I turned around and saw Donghee was standing right behind me. It was not that close but enough to make my heart race but my eyes were looking for Mark who was now watching me.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or are you going home?" Again Donghee brought my focus back to him.

"I have something to buy but I forgot so I'm trying to remember what it is," I lied.

"You wanna explore the store first? I can wait". I shooked my head and went out from the store. "Let's just go home".


"Bye, don't forget our date," Donghee grinned.

"Date?!" I said, almost shouting. I didn't remember we have a date.

"See you at the library tomorrow," he smiled and walked away.

"Ouh. Yeah. That. See ya," never knew I was smiling from ear to ear that Taeyong somehow noticed that through the window.

"Damn you freak me out," I speak behind the window while Taeyong just ignored me and sat on the sofa. Tsk.

Not long after that, I remembered what my intention was and quickly asked him before I forgot it. "Who's Mark Lee?"

"Why would you want to know?" He asked while keeping his eyes on the television.

"So you know him?"

"I just know him"

"Nope. You know him. More than I do. Now tell me who is him?"

"Why are you so confident?"

"Because you're my brother right? I'm pretty sure you know almost everything about me?"

"I don't know where your moles at," he smirked.

"Stop it! Now tell me. Who is him?"

"Why are you so curious about him?"

"Because I saw him again at the store and he called me and smiled at me again. It felt like he wanted me to remember who he was. So I need you to tell me about him and maybe you could help me to remember".

Soon as I told him, his eyes were now fixed on mine. The way he looked at me was different, like he was mad but tried to hold in his anger towards me. I felt my body was shaking a little bit.

"How do you know that's him?" His voice also changed into a stern voice that I didn't like to hear.

"He.. told me".

He scoffed and murmured something that only him could heard. "Don't go there anymore".

"As if I would listen to you. You know I always go there".

"I said DON'T GO THERE! There are more convenience store here. Can't you listen to me for once?" He put down the remote harshly on the sofa and went into his room. His act made me speechless and I just went upstairs to take a shower.

On my way to my bedroom, I rolled my eyes as I saw the drawing that were hanged there. 'But why must this drawing?'


I went downstairs and put on my school shoes but then I smelled something delicious, I couldn't avoid it.

I went to the kitchen and saw Taeyong was making a pancake. "A" pancake.

"Where's mine? I whined.

"Cook by yourself," he said while stuffed the food into his mouth.

"Pfft. I don't take breakfast".

"Then I'll make again for my lunch". I scoffed and rolled my eyes before went out to school.


The teacher were absent for one block so Donghee and I used the time to go to the library.

In the middle of revising additional mathematics, Donghee suddenly said,"you know sometimes math doesn't help us at all".

"Oh yeah? Like?"

"Like how I can't calculate how much I love you," he confessed and looked at me for a reaction.

I froze for a second but my heartbeat was running wild. I didn't know what to do and tried to find an excuse. "Let's revise chemistry. It's five more days right?" I said while taking my chemistry book to avoid eye contact with him.

"Now you want chemistry? Acid plus alkali become neutral?" He grinned.

"Nevermind. Just do bio".

"I don't know whether my heart was beating fast because of adrenaline or because of a girl".

The atmosphere was getting more awkward for me but not him. I could feel he enjoyed it by listening to how he talked. I looked at my watch and THANK GOODNESS.

"It's almost bell. Let's go back to classroom". I could feel the heat of my cheek so I tried to not turning back, no matter how many times he called me.


I went back home alone, guess I must used to it now rather than asking Taeyong to wait for me. When I was back from school, I smelled the same smell from this morning. 'Such a teaser'

I walked past by the kitchen, ignoring him who was calmly eating his pancake. Before I put my feet on the stairs, I heard a voice saying, "looks like I have to finish both pancake".

My eyes widen and my body froze for awhile, probably my brain was processing what I just heard. To not getting so excited, I walked into the kitchen normally and sat infront of him. I took the pancake beside Taeyong and took a bite.

"You don't have a plan today?" He asked.

"Donghee and I planned to jog every after school," I explained.

"Well that's good. At least remove the fat of yours".

"Excuse me, sir. I'm happy with my own body".

"I'm happy enough if you're healthy. That's more important".

Hearing that I'm agree with him and gave a small nod. Out of the blue, I remembered about the drawing and quickly asked him, "hey why's the drawing of that frog was hanged on the wall? Like it was important or something".

"Frog? Oh, your frog friend". I rolled my eyes but I didn't say anything, just waiting for his answer. "It's your drawing. I don't know anything about that drawing. Mom just told me to hang it near to your room".

If I wanted to say he was lying, I could felt his sincerity on answering that so I guess I was the only who know between the two of us. 'But seriously, why must that drawing?'

Suddenly, the bell rang and I knew that was Donghee so I quickly changed my school uniform into a pink sport cloth. I went downstairs and told Taeyong that I went out.

The moment I opened the gate, I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

"M-mark Lee?"


a/n: I lost so much readers tho huhu. TYSM for those who still reading this book and votes. I APPRECIATE THAT.

And also.. umm.. I just wrote new book which is "Texts" book called "our Texts". It's actually a Hongjoong book from ATEEZ. Pls check it out hehe. STAN TALENT, STAN ATEEZ.

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