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     HAD YOU ASKED a young Isadora Holt, still in training to become a police officer, where she'd see herself in five years, she would have confidently said getting justice for the poor victims of those who decide to break the law

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     HAD YOU ASKED a young Isadora Holt, still in training to become a police officer, where she'd see herself in five years, she would have confidently said getting justice for the poor victims of those who decide to break the law. It was all she had ever wanted — well, perhaps not all, but it was what she desired the most, to work for law enforcement, to lock up criminals and guarantee a good night's sleep for those who had been wronged. Anything even close to that would have made the carefully, yet passionately constructed answer, unlike the possibility of home invasion and having her life threatened. More than once. But, perhaps that was exactly what made her a cop, the face of danger and somehow always bouncing back — so far, at least.

          "You need to go—", Izzy attempted at the stranger in front of her, both of her hands flying out to shove the door shut, only for him to push it right back open, causing the wood to hit the woman's face and make her stumble back — exactly what he needed for a footing indoors. Even if it all happened in the blink of an eye, terror found the time to spread inside Izzy's soul and bones, leaving them cold and weary with fear as she tried to stop the man from waltzing in like he owned the place, all of her might channeled into the fiery push she gave him despite the wild pain soaring in her nose. She didn't know why this was happening or who he was, but she had no intention to start asking questions — all she cared about, was getting him out of their house and calling for back-up.

          "Mom! Get Thor!", Isadora cried out, the dog her first and foremost concern — whereas the two cops with self-defense skills could shield themselves to some extent, the tiny, albeit snappy Cocker Spaniel would surely lose a fight against the burly man that wasted no time in invading their home. Concluding from the slam that followed her words, Diane had successfully hidden Thor in one of the rooms, and albeit Izzy certainly wished her mother would have done the same, she knew there was no way she would leave her daughter at a time like this.

          The man, however, had zero remorse, and brutally went through Izzy, squashing the woman into the wall and forcing her to roll over onto the floor as he entered the house. She wasn't quite sure if it was her or Diane he wanted, but despite the front door still hanging open, Izzy didn't stay back, but crawled up again and rushed after the tall stranger, who nearly basked in the victory of making it in. The pulsing pain that quickly reached most of Izzy's limbs didn't go unnoticed by her either, but the risk of Diane getting hurt was one that she wasn't willing to take, and therefore, the woman's goal was, uncaring of the aching, acquire the man's gun and hold him down until the cops would arrive at the scene.

          Luckily for them, both women had had just the kind of training that struck useful in rare situations like these — even if Diane had been retired for a fair while now, she knew right where to kick to stop the man from coming any closer, and as she did, Izzy was given the opportunity to grab the gun he was yet to wield with the intent to hurt. Instantly, his attention was turned from Diane to Isadora, whose attempt to hold him at gunpoint was cut short by the punch he delivered, causing the handgun to fly across the room. Fortunately, he didn't go after it either, but less fortunate was his undivided focus on the youngest Holt, subdued against the wall as he slammed his hands onto her throat.

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