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  IZZY WAS CONVINCED that it was impossible to not like Ella Lopez — the woman was almost like the incarnation of cute, though not entirely pure, which Isadora had picked up through the story of how she had used to steal cars, but nonetheless, Ell...

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IZZY WAS CONVINCED that it was impossible to not like Ella Lopez — the woman was almost like the incarnation of cute, though not entirely pure, which Isadora had picked up through the story of how she had used to steal cars, but nonetheless, Ella was good. The two women had had a great time together as the scientist had insisted on stopping by for three solid reasons — meeting the iconic Diane Holt, getting to know her new co-worker better, and of course to spend some time with Thor, who was more than happy to make a new friend. Frankly, Izzy saw some resemblances between the two, possibly the extensive adorableness and the innocence that also managed to hide the mischief underneath the surface. Needless to say, they had had a splendid evening together.

"She seems like a great girl", Diane commented later when Ella had left and the older redhead could finally fill the dishwasher without feeling guilty — of course, both her daughter and Ms. Lopez had offered to do the job for her or at least help, but the retired cop had almost gasped at the outrageous idea. And that left Izzy on the couch with Thor sleeping against her, his tiny head and large ears resting on his mother's shoulder while she herself watched the movie that happened to be on TV.

Glancing at the kitchen where Diane was limping around, Izzy nodded. "She is, really funny and no doubt one of the nicest people I've ever met", a small smile painted across her lips as she nodded to confirm her own words.

Curiously, the oldest Holt peeked into the living room, simply hoping to find out more about her daughter's new job. "And what about everyone else? They're all treating you nicely, yes?", she inquired, always the protective mother that shivered at the thought of her only child being mistreated. Perhaps the fear was rooted from her ex-husband's behavior towards Isadora, but luckily, Izzy rarely had to deal with hatred — whenever she did, it was because of someone close-minded, unable to accept her sexuality but those were, thankfully, rare cases and therefore she could respond to Diane's question with a smile and a reassuring nod.

"Yeah, of course. Well, there's this, uh... unique guy at work, but it's nothing I can't handle", Izzy chewed on the inner side of her cheek, Lucifer's grin plastered on her thoughts, followed by a memory of the uncomfortable tension between her and Chloe, but she elected to continue with, "I like Dan, too. I'm actually going to pick him up tomorrow to return the favor", instead of digging into the other thoughts twirling in her mind. However, even if she chose to remain silent about it, she was also unable to push away the rising image of Mazikeen, the woman's sultry smirk and her smooth voice stuck in Izzy's brain. She had always been quick to develop crushes, though only once before it had evolved into something more than a fleeting attraction.

For that reason, she wasn't worried — it would pass, surely.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Izzy. And I am proud of you", Diane smiled as she entered the living room while wiping her hands against her jeans, and the words caused the younger woman's head to snap over to her, while a wide grin of her own spread out on her radiating face.

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