Girls Day

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"Aww look at this one!" Iko squeals while holding up a a sparkling pink dress fit for a newborn.
Three months ago Scarlet found out she was pregnant and announced it to her friends. She was shocked by Wolf's thrilled reaction, but in no way disappointed.
She is now three months and one week pregnant.
Cinder and Kai also got married in the mean time.
The boys are setting up the gender reveal party while the girls are having a shopping day.
Scarlet knows of course. She's been very meticulous about every little thing that goes on ever since she got pregnant.
Is a protective instinct or maybe hormones? The world may never know. And it may be best to leave it that way.
"Relax, Iko," Scarlet starts. "We don't even know the gender yet."
"It's still cute!" she coos.
"I hope it's a girl," Scarlet decides. "But I'll be happy either way. I'm just glad to be having a baby."
They all smile at her.
Scarlet looks at Cinder. "When do we have to pick up the food?"
"In about an hour. We should finish shopping and head out soon," she responds.
The girls continue to shop, buying some maternity clothes and such to prepare Scarlet for the journey ahead.

"We're back!" Cinder announces.
The boys are finishing up decorating as the girls carry in their bags and the food for the reveal party.
"What'd you get me?" Thorne asks after taping up a decoration.
"We got you nothing. But we got ourselves some pretty good stuff," Cinder answers.
"Aw come on."
"Should've come with us."
"I was put on decoration duty!"
"And you've been slacking off," Kai scolds.
"Are you kidding? I did an amazing job. You guys are lucky to have such a good decorator."
"If you say so."
"I do."
"Of course you do."
"Enough talking," Scarlet starts. "Let's eat. I'm starving."
Wolf gets out the dishes and they all get their food.
"Did you guys have fun shopping?" Kai wonders.
"We did. I got a bunch of stuff that will help a lot the next few months," Scarlet tells him.
"That's great."
"So are you two excited to find out?"
Scarlet looks at Wolf then says, "For sure."
Wolf smiles and nods in agreement.
"Are you guys hoping for a specific gender?" Cress asks.
"A girl," Scarlet decides.
They look to Wolf.
He shrugs. "I'm fine with either."
"But are you hoping for one over the other?" Jacin pushes.
"Mmmm I guess a boy."
Scarlet smiles at him. "We'll both be happy to just have a healthy baby."
"Of course," he agrees.
They finish up eating and put their dishes in the sink.
They vote on which gender they think it will be. More votes leaned towards a boy.
Scarlet and Wolf sit at the table.
Cress brings in two plates, each having a cupcake with pink and blue swirled icing on top.
"Once you bite into it there will be icing in the middle. It'll be blue or pink, which will indicate the gender," she explains.
"Thank you Cress," Scarlet appreciates.
Cress smiles and moves back with the others.
Cinder videos them as they both bite into the cupcake. They look at the cupcakes and Scarlet squeals at the pink icing. Cinder ends the video after Scarlet jumps on Wolf into a hug, tearing up already.
He smiles and hugs her back.
"We're having a girl!" Scarlet yells excited.
"We are."
"That's so amazing."
"It is."
She kisses him with tears slipping down her face.
He kisses her back.
Everyone smiles at them, and they spend the rest of the evening celebrating the happy news.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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