Bachelor Gone Wild

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"Where are we going?"
"You'll see," Thorne grins.
Wolf makes a face at him while he directs the Rampion.
Kai and Jacin are sitting on some crates with Wolf that they moved up to the pilot area so that they could all be together while Thorne brings them to their "secret location" as he says.
"I don't like surprises," Wolf complains.
"That sucks," Thorne says.
"Can I at least know how long it will take to get there?"
Wolf frowns.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy it," Kai assures.
They arrive not much later with a bumpy landing.
He looks out the windows and sees they're at a liquor store.
Thorne gets up.
"Let's go buy us some treats boys," Thorne grins.
"This wasn't part of the plan," Jacin interjects.
"I know. Surprise."
"I can't get drunk," Wolf turns down.
"You won't. We're just getting food and a little wine."
"I don't know Thorne."
"Come on."
Wolf hesitates then sighs, giving in.
"Alright. But not a lot."
They all get out and go inside.
It's not the nicest place. The tile door is stained and in the need of a good sweeping. The wall paper is peeling itself off the walls.
The owner greets them with a grunt from the front desk while smoking a cigarette.
Thorne grabs a basket.
They look around for awhile then decide on grabbing small bottles of various wines.
They grab some potato chips, beef jerky, candy bars, and a pack of water.
They buy their stuff and get into the Rampion.
"See boys. This is going to be fun," Thorne says.
Before anyone can reply, he quickly lifts off.
"Now where are we going?" Wolf groans.
"Now we're going to the secret location," he informs.
"Yeah well, one surprise is enough for the day."
"Just one more."
He looks at Kai who nods.
He sighs and sits back.
It doesn't take long for them to arrive at the private party house that they rented out for the bachelor party.
They look at it from the window.
"Welcome to our secret location," Thorne dramatically presents.
Their secret location isn't so secret.
There are many of these houses nearby, only separated by several trees. There's a fair amount of space between the houses though.
They go inside.
It has two floors and a party roof.
There are four bedrooms and three bathrooms.
"This is really nice," Wolf compliments.
"I'm glad you like it," Kai says.
"Did you pay for it?"
"Yes, but Thorne picked it."
"You didn't have to get all of this."
"I don't mind."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," Thorne interrupts.
Wolf gives him a look.
"Where do you want to set up?" Jacin questions.
Wolf realizes he's carrying the bags.
Thorne has the water pack.
"How about the roof?"
Jacin nods and heads up.
They follow him. There's an area to sit on the ground with a small table and cushion seats.
They set up at that area.
Thorne brings up the wine glasses and fills them with their first drink.
"Cheers boys," Thorne holds up his glass.
The other three hold up their glasses.
"To a successful and happy wedding tomorrow."
They all clink glasses then chug the drink.
"That's pretty good," Jacin admits.
They all nod in agreement.
They get out the snacks and start eating.
The boys play cards, make bets, and enjoy their time late into the night.
After a game of black jack, Thorne leans back, asking, "so Wolf, ready for tomorrow?"
"Yeah," Wolf casually answers like it's nothing.
"Nervous at all?"
"Not really."
"Scarlet nervous?"
"Oh yeah. Extremely."
"She shouldn't be," Kai comments, join the conversation.
"I know. But tomorrow is very important to her. And me. So she wants it to go perfectly."
"It will."
"I agree. And it's up to us to make sure of it."
"Us?" Jacin asks.
"Yes. All four of us."
"Is there anything you guys need us to do?" Kai asks.
"We need to make sure everything goes as planned. If anything seems like it could go wrong just do your best to fix it. I don't want her stressing over it."
"Sounds easy enough," Thorne stretches.
"Hopefully it is."
"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Kai asks.
"The wedding doesn't start until five," Wolf starts. "Depending on what time we get up we might have breakfast here but we'll definitely go out to lunch. We can hang out and start getting ready after that."
"I already have the perfect place for lunch," Thorne grins.
"Oh gosh."
"Don't worry. It's good food."
"You better hope so. I'd rather enjoy my wedding and not feel sick tomorrow."
"You won't. Have faith."
"In what?"
"In me."
"We're doomed."
Kai laughs lightly and even Jacin smirks a bit.
"I will make sure tomorrow is amazing for the both of you," Thorne confidently states.
"Of course my dear good friend. And now we drink. He refills everyone's glass."
Wolf drinks a sip of his then gets up.
"I'm going to bed," he informs them.
"What. The party just getting started," Thorne complains.
"Don't care. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow."
"Oh common. You can sleep in."
"That I will."
Kai chimes in saying, "it's nearly midnight."
"Which is way past my bedtime," Wolf decides.
Kai gets up to.
"You guys are no fun," Thorne huffs.
"Sorry. I didn't take my nap earlier," Kai jokes.
"Yeah yeah."
With that, Kai and Wolf head inside.
Thorne looks at Jacin.
"Another round?" Thorne requests.
Jacin looks at him for a minute then shrugs.
"Why not," he agrees.
Thorne excitedly sets up the next round.
They play for a bit longer then find their rooms, getting ready for rest themselves.

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