Tomato Lover

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"Hurry up," Scarlet demands, pulling on Wolf's arm.
The couple had just started walking home from the nearby market with a few supplies they bought. They like walking to the market so they can bond and support their community.
"Why are you rushing?" Wolf asks.
"I want to get home and quickly get our work done so we can watch the movie."
"Fine. I want to work on the wedding plans."
"Sounds about right."
"Come on!"
"Alright alright."
Once they're almost there, Wolf swoops Scarlet off of her feet.
"Wolf!" she squeals as he does so.
"What are you doing?"
"Carry you to the house."
"Because I love you."
She smiles at him.
He carries her the rest of the way back to the house. He sets her down and unlocks the door.
"Can you put the stuff away while I cook dinner?" Scarlet requests.
Wolf nods.
"Thank you."
She kisses his cheek then goes inside to prepare dinner.
Wolf brings the gardening tools they bought and puts them in the bin they have in the shed.
He grabs the chicken and feed and puts some on the ground for the chickens. He gets the eggs from the nests while they eat.
He waters the flower and vegetable gardens then goes inside.
When he gets inside Scarlet's finishing dinner.
"Can you set the table? Dinners about done," Scarlet says.
Wolf puts the plates and silverware on the table. He fills the cups with water, hers with ice and his without.
Scarlet brings the food over and serves it on their plates. She gives Wolf five scoops, only getting herself a single scoop. She makes sure to give wolf and extra tomato. She made a chicken casserole with fried tomatoes on top.
"That looks amazing," Wolf tells her, drool filling his mouth.
"Lets hope it tastes as good as it looks then."
"I'm sure it will. You're the best cook."
"I'm not the best, but thanks."
He kisses her then eagerly sits.
She sits and they eat.
"What took you so long?" Scarlet asks curiously.
"I fed the chickens and got the eggs," he explains.
"Yeah. I also watered the plants."
"Well thank you. You didn't have to do that."
"I don't mind. We would've had to do it after dinner anyway."
"Still. Thank you."
"It's no problem Scar."
She smiles at him.
"Did you get your suit?" Scarlet asks him.
"Not yet."
"Alright. I'm gonna ask the girls to go with me to get my dress soon."
"Did you decide who your maid of honors gonna be?"
"Makes sense."
"As long as she says yes I'll have her be the maid of honor."
"Sounds good."
"It just sucks she's so busy now."
"I know it does."
"We don't ever get to talk anymore."
"She's busy."
"Still. I miss my best friend."
"You still have me."
"I do. And I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm glad Em got a boyfriend at least."
"She seems pretty happy with him."
"She really likes him."
Wolf nods.
Once they finish eating they clean their plates then head outside.
Scarlet pulls the weeds and gets all of the vegetables that are ready to be picked.
Wolf milks the cows and cleans them off.
Scarlet finishes first so she goes inside and fries him some tomatoes.
Once he smells them cooking he rushes to finish.
He puts the milk where it goes then heads inside.
He grabs the plate of tomatoes off of the counter and goes to the living room where Scarlet is watching tv. She has the computer and is looking at wedding dresses.
He sits by her and starts eating.
She looks at him and smiles.
"You have an obsession," she tells him.
"I do not," he disagrees.
"Do to. You're a tomato lover for sure."
"Just because I love them doesn't mean I have an obsession with them."
"You love tomatoes more than me."
"No I don't."
"Yes you do."
He frowns at her.
"I'm joking. I know you love me," she admits.
He finishes the tomatoes then hugs her.
She leans her head on his chest and keeps looking at dresses.
"What color dress are you gonna get?" Wolf asks.
"White. I was thinking we'd do a traditional wedding," she replies.
"I like that plan."
"What color themes do you think we should do?"
"Hmm. I don't know. Red and white?"
"Oh, good idea. Lets think about it a bit."
"Did you pick your best man?"
"Not yet."
"That's alright."
"I don't want to have to pick between Kai and Thorne."
"I get it."
"I'll pick soon."
"Ok. Take your time...I can't wait to get married."
"Me neither."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He leans down and kisses her neck.
She moves the computer and climbs onto his lap.
She kisses him hard.
He kisses her back.
They make out then head to their room.

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