Surprise Sleepover

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"I'll carry the bags," Scarlet offers.
"I can carry them," Cinder says.
They had to order the dresses, but they went and got some makeup and jewelry. They also went and got some desserts to share with the boys.
"What do you think the boys did while we were gone?" Cress wonders.
"Who knows," Cinder replies.
"They better not have made a mess," Scarlet comments.
"Knowing them, I'm surprised the house isn't burnt down," Cinder jokes.
"They wouldn't last a week a without us."
The girls nod in agreement.
They walk in the house together, stop stopping when they see the boys scrambling to pick up.
Scarlet glares at them immediately when she sees the beer bottles, both broken and not, and smells the alcohol.
They notice the girls and look at them scared.
"Hey Scarlet," Thorne tries to play cool.
"What did you do," Scarlet angrily says.
"Oh this? It's nothing. Not a big deal."
"Not a big deal? You've destroyed my living room. Is that a piece of pizza on the floor?"
"I was gonna eat that later."
"Oh you're going to eat it."
She looks from him to Wolf who has an ashamed look on his face.
"I really trusted you," she says.
"I know," he mumbles.
"We'll talk about this later."
He doesn't reply.
"Cress and I should really get going," Thorne tests, grabbing his jacket.
"Hell no. None of you are leaving until this mess is cleaned," she assures.
"But it's late."
"I don't care. I want this room spotless."
He rolls his eyes.
"We'll be upstairs while you four clean up. With the deserts. So you might want to hurry before it's all gone," Scarlet suggests.
"You got desserts?" Thorne asks.
"Oh yeah. Come on girls."
They go upstairs.
Once she brings the girls to the room she tells them she'll be back and goes downstairs.
The boys were picking up the glass and trash.
They watch her as she walks to the kitchen.
She brings them back rags, soapy water in a bucket, cleaning spray, and water.
"Drink the water and sober up," she orders. "I don't need you cleaning my house drunk."
She starts to go upstairs but is stopped by Wolf.
"What?" She asks annoyed.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes.
"You aren't forgiven yet. I'm not happy."
"We'll clean it all up. And I'll make sure it's done right," he promises.
She hesitates.
"I love you," he says.
She softens up a bit saying, "I love you too."
Right after she says it she goes back to their room, closing the door.
"I can't believe them," she tells the girls while sitting on the floor with them.
"They're always so reckless. We should've expected a mess," Cinder says.
"Well yeah. I sorta expected a small mess. But they broke one of my big rules. That's what I'm most mad about."
"Which rule?" Cress asks.
"No alcohol."
"They better hope that smell comes out."
"I'm sure it will."
Scarlet shakes her head and puts it in her hands.
"It's ok Scarlet friend," Winter tries to solace.
"It's important to me and Wolf knows that," she vents.
"He was obviously upset. You know Thorne probably tricked him into it," Cinder says.
"Probably....I'm going to kill him."
"He's just trying to have fun with his friends," Cress defends.
"I know. And I'm fine with them having fun. But we don't have many rules and they have to break the most important one."
"I'll talk to Thorne about it later. Let's just have fun now."
"I should probably go make sure they clean everything up right."
"Don't worry about that. Wolf will make sure it's done right," Cinder assures.
"Alright I guess."
Iko gets all of the desserts out for them. They had bought chips, brownies, and cookies.
"I'll go get us drinks," Scarlet says.
"I'll get it for you guys," Iko stops her.
"Thanks Iko."
Iko goes.
"Thanks for inviting us today," Cress says.
"Thanks for coming. I'm glad you guys were there," Scarlet replies.
"We'll always be there for you Scar."
"The dresses were beautiful," Winter comments.
"They were. I don't know how you picked just one," Cress adds.
"I honestly don't know how I picked just one either."
"Are you happy with the one you picked?"
"Yes. I love it."
"That's good."
"I love the dresses you guys got too. They look great on all of you."
"Well you look great in your dress."
"You think so?"
"Know so."
"Do you think Wolf will like it?"
"For sure."
Iko comes back with all the drinks.
She hands everyone a soda from the fridge then sits by Cinder.
"The boys are almost done. They're working hard for sure," Iko informs them.
"Well, we don't have to wait on them," Scarlet says.
She grabs the brownie container and opens it, shoving one in her mouth.

The boys work silently as they clean up the large mess they created on the Benoit Farm and Gardens living room.
Kai starts to pick up the pieces of glass off the floor with Jacin while Wolf cleans off the couch and Thorne cleans the beer off the floor.
Thorne puts the rag down and stretches.
Wolf glares at him then keeps cleaning the couch.
Thorne drinks some of his water then plays with the glass.
"Keep working Thorne," Wolf orders.
"I'm taking a break," Thorne replies.
"You don't get a break."
He huffs and puts the glass down.
He grabs the rag and starts scrubbing the floor.
Kai gets up.
"Where's the broom?" he asks.
"Bathroom closet," Wolf tells him.
Kai goes to the bathroom to get it.
He comes back and sweeps up the glass with Jacin.
They put it in the trash as Wolf finishes cleaning the couch. Thorne is still scrubbing at a spot on the floor.
They put everything they used away.
"About done Thorne?" Kai questions.
"I can't get this stain out," he explains.
"Let me see the rag," Wolf says.
He hands him the rag. Wolf manages to get most of it out.
"Well, at least it's not noticeable," Thorne enlightens.
Wolf frowns and gets up.
"What's your problem?" Thorne asks.
"My problem is my fiance probably won't be my fiance much longer," Wolf growls.
He goes to the kitchen and throws the rag in the sink.
His friends follow him.
"If you mean you'll be married soon, then true," Thorne says.
"She's so mad," Wolf sighs.
"She'll get over it," Kai assures.
He shakes his head.
"She will. I'm sure she's cooled off by now."
"I can tell you really love her."
"I do love her."
"And she said she loves you even though she was mad."
"She loves you."
He nods.
"Thank you Kai. And thank you all for helping me clean," Wolf appreciates.
"We helped create the mess, so we should help clean it up too," Jacin replies.
"At wasn't to big of a mess."
"It didn't take to long to clean either," Kai observes.
"No. I'm just glad it doesn't smell and nothings really stained."
"That would make Scarlet pretty mad."
"For sure."
They all drink their water.
"I wonder what the girls are doing," Jacin comments.
"Probably eating all the deserts and gossiping," Kai speculates.
"Should we go up?"
"I don't know. They're not exactly happy with us right now."
"We can't stay down here all night," Wolf says.
"We'll follow your lead then."
Wolf leads them upstairs to their room.
They can hear the girls talking and laughing through the closed door.
Wolf waits then knocks.
The conversations stop.
Iko opens the door.
"Yes?" she asks.
"May we come in?" Kai requests.
Iko looks at Scarlet who nods then let's them in.
"Is everything cleaned up? Scarlet questions.
"Yeah. We cleaned the entire living room," Thorne tells her.
She looks at Wolf.
"Its all clean," he confirms.
"Alright. Sit and have a snack. I'm going to go take a look at the living room and get you guys some drinks," she says while getting up.
The boys sit.
Wolf follows Scarlet downstairs.
They stop in the living room.
Wolf watches her as she surveys the room.
"Looks good," she says.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes.
She looks at him.
He's looking back at her with an ashamed face.
"It's ok. I forgive you."
"You do?"
"Yeah. I guess I was overreacting."
"Not at all. We were being stupid."
"You were having fun."
"That doesn't give us the right to destroy your living room."
"Our living room."
"Right. Ours."
His eyes fall to her lips right before she kisses him. He kisses her back.
They continue to kiss until Scarlet moves back.
"Help me with the drinks?" she asks.
"Yeah, sure," he agrees, longing for her luscious lips against his.
They grab everyone a water bottle and bring them upstairs.
They pass them out after sitting next to each other.
"It's pretty late so if you guys want you can stay the night," Scarlet offers.
"We'd love to Scarlet friend!" Winter gladly accepts the offer.
"Us too," Cinder says.
Cress nods.
"Alright. Surprise sleepover it is."
The crew shares snacks and stories until late in the night.
Scarlet and Wolf share their usual bed.
Cinder sleeps with Kai in the guest room.
Cress and Thorne sleep in the Rampion.
Iko stays on the couch.
They all sleep soundly until the early sounds of the farm waking up.

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