The Truth

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"Cinder, truth or dare?" Thorne asks.
"Dare," she replies.
"I dare you to....make out with Kai."
Kai's face heats up on the spot.
"Really?" Cinder says annoyed.
"Yup. Forty seconds."
She rolls her eyes then kisses him. He's shocked, but kisses her back. Thorne tells them when their time is up.
"Jerk," she says to Thorne.
He just grins.
"Alright. Scarlet, truth or dare," Cinder says.
"Truth," she replies.
"Do you love Wolf?"
Scarlet blushes much worse than Kai.
"He's my alpha," she mumbles.
"Aww!" Iko squeals.
Wolf puts his arm around Scarlet's waist and she leans on him.
"Thorne, truth or dare."
"Dare. A captain always chooses the challenge," Thorne says matter-of-factly.
"You can't back down," Scarlet says.
"A captain also never backs down."
"Fine. I dare you to pee on the Rampion. The outside of it," she dares with a grin.
"No! Not my baby!"
"You have to," Scarlet says.
"What kind of- but my- ugh!"
"I thought a captain never backed down."
He gets up and stomps out. They all get up and go go the window. Thorne goes to the Rampion and pees on the side of it, his back to them.
They all laugh and go back to the living room.
"Nice one Scarlet," Cinder says.
"Thanks," Scarlet says proudly.
Thorne comes back in with a frown and sits by Cress.
"Have fun?" Cinder asks teasingly.
"Shut it."
"It's your turn Thorne," Cress says, bumping his arm.
"Oh yeah. Wolf, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Scarlet answers for him.
"Sure," he says.
"I dare you to give Scarlet a hickey."
"Here?" Wolf asks.
"Oh my gosh," Scarlet comments.
"Can't back down," Thorne says.
Scarlet glares at him then looks at Wolf, who's looking at her. She blushes when he grabs her and kisses her neck, sucking and creating a dark hickey.
After he pulls away, Scarlet hugs him then sits on his lap.
"Kai. Truth or dare?" Wolf asks.
"Uh, truth," Kai answers.
"Wimp," Thorne calls out.
"At least I didn't have to pee on the Rampion."
Everyone laughs.
Suddenly the power goes out, making Cress squeal at the darkness.
It's only 4, but it's storming so it's dark.
Scarlet sighs.
"It's alright. I'll get candles," Wolf says. Scarlet moves off his lap and he gets up. He goes to the kitchen.
"You ok?" Cinder asks Scarlet.
Scarlet just nods.
Cinder puts her arm around Scarlet and side hugs her.
Wolf comes back in with candles and matches.
"What's wrong?" Wolf asks, looking at Scarlet.
"It's nothing," she replies.
He sets the candles around and lights them, not believing her.
Someone knocks and Wolf gets it.
He comes back with Winter and Jacin.
Winter runs over and hugs Scarlet. Scarlet smiles and hugs her back.
"Scarlet friend! Happy birthday!"
"Thanks Winter."
Winter sits next to Scarlet. Jacin sits next to Winter.
"Thank you guys for coming," Scarlet thanks Winter and Jacin.
Wolf sits by Kai.
"We were so pleased to have been invited," Winter says.
"Of course you guys would be invited."
Winter smiles.
"Where were we?" Thorne says with an attempt at a British accent.
"What was that?" Scarlet asks.
"My British accent."
"That is the worst British accent I've ever heard."
"Oh whatever. Ask Kai the question Wolf."
"Ok. Do you like your name?"
"Kaito? Yeah, my mom picked it," Kai says.
"Boring," Thorne calls.
Cinder smacks his arm.
Kai smirks.
"Truth or dare?"
"Ugh. Dare," she replies smugly.
She looks at him. He smiles. She smiles back and pecks his lips.
"So cute," Iko mumbles.
"Gross," Thorne comments.
The lights come on.
"Thank god," Cress sighs, relieved.
"At least they weren't off long," Scarlet says.
"Wolf. Truth or dare?" Cinder asks.
"I just had a turn," he complains.
"To bad."
"Fine. Truth."
Cinder grins.
"Do you want to marry Scarlet?"
Scarlet blushes at the same time as Wolf and looks at him.
"I don't....I mean..." he staggers.
"You don't want to get married?" Scarlet says, obviously disappointed.
"It's not's just..."
Scarlet frowns at him.
She gets teary eyed then gets up and runs out.
Wolf sighs and goes after her.

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