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Sarah had spent nearly a month at the Asking Alexandria.

She sat thinking to herself it had been a month since Danny done what he did too her she still had the scar to prove it  the transformation was awful hearing every bone and muscle snap in your body just to be mutated into a beast what on earth had gave Danny the urge to do it she sighed to herself.

She headed outside and sat next to the pool gazing out over the view to be honest she would rather be there than.inside at the moment, Danny was being an arrogant git demanding for.stuff to be done, Ben had a go a few times at him.which resulted in bust up.between them, so Sarah being Sarah would sit out there till late at night ,she was a bit miffed as well as she was looking her night out with Suzanne but she couldn't go due to the problem she had.

Ben joined Sarah outside not long after and sat beside her " you alright love ?" he asked while lighting up a cigarette "yeah just thinking I really miss home and Suzanne you know" he nodded in.reply they sat quiet for a bit " sarah do you remember what happened with you and Danny " Sarah had replied yes and that it should nit have happened " Yeah I thought so love he is taking by you I mean like it may seem he aint but he is we have never seen.him like this before " Sarah sighed " I wish the same could be said for me " Ben raised an eyebrow "I mean i wish I felt same.way I really like some one else " Ben looked at her and did not question her.

Sarah was about to speak again when het phone went off signalling a message :

Suzanne :- hey sis how are you I am soo sorry I have not been home at all I had tried ringing a few times but no answer xx

Sarah :- hey I am good Dont worry about it I have not been back either so much has happened how are you xx

Suzanne :- ooooh do you have gossip LOL

Sarah :- erm yea summit happened between Danny and myself

Suzanne:- really about chuffing time, he likes you

Sarah:- erm yea funny Ben just said same but i am not sure I really like someone else :-/

Suzanne :-ooh really well its up to you siz xx

Sarah :- I know hey fancy having a drink tonight x

Suzanne :- too right meet you at the bar ?

Sarah :- hell yea gotta go Bens being nosey lol

Suzanne :- it is him aint it ?"

Sarah never replied back after that text " Danny wont like that love " Sarah grinned at him "tough he is not my keeper Ben he can not and will not tell me what to do " Ben grinned "you are defo a fighter if I was him I would let you go its just a few drinks " Sarah grinnef "yup it is Ben."

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