Peter Pan |5| - Maddie Grace

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     "I didn't want to bother you about it when you were preparing dinner. Plus I'm really hungry." You pouted and collapsed on the bed.

     Peter began searching around his room for medical supplies, "I'll have Felix bring in some food for you. Besides, if this wound gets infected, you'll die and won't be able to eat my food anyway."

     You chuckled at his joke and tried to ignore the searing pain that kept growing in your leg. Once Peter found all of his supplies, he knelt beside you.

     "I'll try to be as gentle as I can, but I can guarantee this will hurt."

     "Do what you must. I trust you, Pan."

     Carefully, he began cutting the bloody fabric away from your leg. You winced as the air hit the wound.

     "I'm sorry darling," he gazed at you sympathetically.

     After examining the gash with a careful eye, he grabbed a pair of tweezers. In one steady motion, he quickly pulled out a medium sized chunk of glass. "This little bugger was still stuck in your leg."

     You let out a squeal of pain, "Oh gosh that hurt."

     "That's the first of four pieces (Y/N)," he gravely replied.

     There was a knock at the door which made you and Peter jump. "If that's not Felix, I'm going to send you to Echo Cave for a week!!"

     A muffled voice was heard through the door, "Yeah it's Felix."

     "Come in."

     Felix entered with a bowl of steaming soup that made your mouth water and your stomach ache with hunger. "Finally! Thank goodness, Felix. I was about to die of hunger or eat Peter."

     Peter smirked and took the food from him, "Thank you, you may go now."

     Felix left and Peter handed the bowl to you, "Maybe this will keep you quiet for a while."

     "What's that supposed to mean?"

     "You squeal so loudly, (Y/N)," he snorted.

     "I do not," you stared at him.

     "Yes you do and stop denying it," he patted your hand and grinned. "You're so cute when you're upset."

     You rolled your eyes and flicked him. He turned back to taking the pieces of glass out of your leg. It did hurt like a bear, but you gritted your teeth and took it like a girl.

     When he was finished removing the glass, he got up and walked around the room.

     "What are you doing?" You stared at him.

     "I'm looking for a rag," he replied.


     "You'll see," he found what he was looking for and walked back to you. "Open your mouth please, darling."

     You looked at him warily, but did as he said. He gently put the rag in your mouth and you closed your teeth around it. Then he took a sewing needle - that he put into a candle earlier - and held it up to you.

     "I'm going to use this to sew up your wound or else it will get infected. That's why you need the rag, so you have something to help release your emotions into."

     You nodded and clinched your jaw. He created some thread out of pixie dust, which he then attached to the needle, "I just want to apologize in advance for this."

     Without warning, he stuck the needle into your skin. You bit down hard on the cloth, grabbed at the blankets around you, and threw your head back. The pain was turning everything into a blur.

     Next thing you knew, Peter was leaning over you, planting delicate kisses along your forehead. "You're all done, love. You did amazing. I'm so proud of you."

     All you could do was let the rag drop from your mouth and give him a small smile. You realized your leg was feeling a lot better. There was just a dull pain that remained.

     "I gave you a powder that is supposed to help with the pain. I think it also makes you sleepy. So why don't you get some rest, I'll check on you tomorrow."

     Your voice was barely above a whisper, "Thank you, Pan."

     He nodded and walked out of the room. Everything seemed to get a bit more foreboding after he left. The shadows seemed a bit longer and the noises sounded more menacing.

     Before you nodded off, a voice came drifting toward your ears, "I may not have gotten you this time, love, but don't count on him to protect you forever..."

O/N (Owner's Note) - Shout-out to the author of this story, WinterWolfLaufeyson (Fictional Character Account)!! I can finally tag her now! Go follow her and read the rest of her stories! You can also find her on her Celebrity Works Account - maddie_grace_xoxo 

     As always, please vote and leave a comment or two or three or a bazilllion...have a nice day. Accomplish the "impossible". Live your best life. Love you all<3 

                  ~ Melanie

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