Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 4)

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Peter Pan imagine (Part 4)
Your Powers Are Stronger Than His

 “And what makes you sooo absolutely sure that I would not pass up a deal? Everything comes with a price.” You smirked, “You see. Unlike everyone else on this stupid island, I’m not bound to anything.”

“You think less of me.” Pan stared at you as if he was trying to get a reading off of you or something.

“Of course, why shouldn’t I?” You looked straight back at him.

“Because I could kill you if I wanted to and no one does anything without MY permission.” Pan circled around you.

“How do you think I got here, Pan,” you continued right when he was about to say something, “your shadow? Hah! No. I shall come and go as I please. And you and I both know you’ve been having trouble tracking me. ‘Cause you have better things to do, yes? And you couldn’t possibly kill me…even if you REALLY wanted to. Anyways, let’s hear this dumb deal of yours!”

“I return your true love…as long as you agree to work WITH me.” Pan smirked as you grew silent and your eyes widened. My true love…my true love. Who does he think that is? Because what he’s saying is impossible. In order for my true love to be with me, Pan would have to be…dead?

“Do we have a deal?” He interrupted your thoughts.

“Tell me this, oh Pan! Who is my true love, huh?” You narrowed your eyes at him as if burning a whole threw his head would make him answer.

“Simple. Felix.” Pan spoke. Pride oozing from his mouth as he spoke those words. He watched your every reaction as a spoke.

You furrowed your eyes and quickened your breath. Tears started to brim your eyes as you spoke, “WHO TOLD YOU?”

“Peter Pan knows everything.” He raised an eyebrow at your tone.

“P-p-please don’t hurt him,” you sniffled, trying to hold yourself together, “he-he’s all I have left of this world.”

“Well, you better take my deal then!” Pan caressed your cheek, making you lean with his touch.

“F-fine,” you choked out those unbelievable words, “I-I do it. Yo-you g-got me.”

“Really?” He smiled brighter than a fangirl at Comic Con. You shook your head…no.

“No,” you straightened up and the tears that once stained your face disappeared.

“Wh-what?” He stumbled back, anger quickly taking over him.

“I don’t love Felix! Ew, no! GROSS! The guy I love…” you dragged out the last part, making Pan lean in to hear you better, “is dead! And before you go all yippadee  do da, let me put this in Gene’s words…He cannot be raised from the dead…’cause everything about him is gone.”

You left Pan, a mad mess of a boy. 


Hey guys!! Sorry this took so long and is so short!! You guys have been really patient and I have just been SOOO extrememly busy!! But summer is coming up and I will try to post every week then!! I love you guys soooo much!!! Like, comment, follow, share!! <333

~ Melanie

P.S. HUUUUUUGE SHOUTOUT TO @fandomcrank !!! I'm srsly your #1 fan!! You are an amazing writer and you SOOO inspired me to write this little bit. You're awesome! Keep writing!! Can't wait to read more from you<3

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