Lost Boy From Your Past (Part 1?)

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Author Note: First of all...sorry, the title is a little of a giveaway. This is from Season 3 Episode 10 (for you guys who know all those kinds of details). I really hope you guys enjoy this one!!

"Do you feel that?" You asked Granny.

"Feel what, sweetheart?" Granny scrubbed the counter.

"Something's off...something's here...and not just something...someone...someone really dear to me," You sighed as you sipped some hot cocoa.

"Well, the group just came back from Neverland and they're taking Peter Pan over the town line to kill him," she thought.

"WHAT?!?!?" You exclaimed as you spit out your drink, "I need to get there ASAP!! He's not who they think he is."

Meanwhile, Rumple, Belle, Charming, Snow, and Emma were almost at the border.

"There's no magic beyond the town line. If we release Pan outside of Storybrooke, he'll be powerless to fight back," Rumple explained to Bell.

"Uh uh!" Emma stopped him, "I'm doing this."

"I can cross the line and retain my memories," he argued.

"It's not about that. There's no magic over there. All due respect, the real world is my expertise," she clarified, crossed the line, and pulled out her gun, "I'm going to deal with Pan on my terms."

"He is my father," he still disagreed to her proposal.

"It's my hunch. If I fail, you're more than welcome to pick up the pieces," she got in place.

"Emma," Snow sighed in a warning tone, "Be careful."

Rumple sighed and circled his hand over the top of Pandora's Box. He placed it over the town line as red smoke started to come out of it and everyone stood back. Emma pointed her gun at the box as Peter Pan's body appeared next to it. He slowly got up breathing heavily and looked around. Pan seemed surprised as he looked over his arms and body. When he turned around, he was startled by all the people staring at him. Charming gave off a warning look and held Snow as Pan noticed them, but kept looking around when his eyes landed on Emma, who still had him on gun point.

"(Y/N)?" Pan looked at her with scared eyes.

"What?!?" Emma exclaimed, but still pointed her gun at him.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot him," Rumple ordered.

"Don't! Please, I'm innocent," Pan pleaded, "Malcolm...he's still in the box."

"You expect me to believe that?" Emma scoffed.

"Don't listen to him. This is one of his tricks," Rumple growled and pointed his cane at Pan.

"No, it's not," Pan panted and took a step forward, "Our bodies separated right before Rumpelstiltskin captured us in the box. I swear."

"Dah! Don't come any closer," Emma stepped back and warned.

"Shoot him!" Rumple started to get really impatient.

"Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe that's why I can't shake this feeling something's off about that box," she sighed.

"Maybe that's what he wants you to believe. If he steps over this line, we're all dead," he stared him straight in the eyes and so did Pan.

"Alright. If you are really innocent, prove it! Tell me something convincing," Emma nodded.

"ME! He knows...me!" you panted as you finally made it to the scene.

"What? How did you get here? No one passes through MY protection spells," Rumple turned towards you, "And how the hell does PAN know YOU?!? And who are you anyways, dearie?"

"(Y/N)!!" Pan gasped in relief and you smiled at him.

It had been forever, since you saw your Peter Pan.

"(Y/N), is it?" Rumple smirked.

"What? So now you know my name...big whoop!" You rolled your eyes, "What're you going to do about it?"

He was about to reply, when Emma cleared her throat, "Can we please focus on one thing at a time, please? How do you know Peter Pan? And why should we trust you?"

"Peter and I grew up together, but one day he went missing...the next thing I know I get a letter saying that his body and identity is being used for "the good of Neverland" and some man named Malcolm is occupying it. Now I know this is all very confusing, but you have to believe me. Go ahead and use your super power on me, Emma. If you guys let him go, I'll tell you everything you want to know and you can even lock me up if it makes you feel better. Just don't hurt him," you sighed.

"She's telling the truth and we already know she's not evil..." she squinted.

"No, we don't. All we know is that for now...she has been cooperating. And if we do let this happen, Miss Swan, what if he has powers?" Rumple sighed.

"You're the one who said we can trust her, but we just need to keep tabs on her! And right now, she just gave herself up!" Emma urged.

"Peter doesn't have any powers. He's a regular boy. I promise," You pleaded.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," he rolled his eyes.

Peter looked at you and motioned for him to come over. Once he stepped over the line, he ran over, picked you up, and spun you around. A beam shot out from you guys and everyone stepped back.

"I thought you said he didn't have powers!" Snow inquired.

"I don't, but she does," Peter caressed your cheek.

You blushed being happier than you have been in a long while. Quickly, you snapped your fingers and Peter had brand new clothes. He gave a shy smile at the gift, but his moment was abruptly interrupted.

"You still have to come with us, remember?" Emma grabbed your arm.

You sighed and nodded as Charming hand cuffed your wrists. You were placed in the back of the truck and taken immediately to the Sherriff's office in their little jail.

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