Chapter 10 (Sad ending)

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A few months had gone by and Lance thought that Keith was getting better, although he wasn't. Keith had somehow managed to keep his cutting secret from Lance, only doing it after Lance had gone to bed. Keith was currently in his room, trying to calm down from yet another panic attack. Lance knocked gently on the door.

"Hey Keith, baby.. You doing okay in there?"

"I-i... Yeah.. I-Im fine.."

"Keith, you don't sound fine to me. I'm gonna come in, okay?"

Keith wasted no time wiping his face, trying to get the tears off. Lance opened the door, rushing to Keith. He gently embraced him, trying to calm down the distressed boy. He knew Keith had panic attacks every now, and by now he'd gotten used to calming him down from them. After a few minutes of silence, Lance felt his phone going off in his pocket. He sighed and shook his head, pulling away from the other male.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

Keith nodded as he watched Lance take off outside the room. Lance soon returned, a small frown on his face.

"I have to go to practice, okay? I promise to be back as soon as possible Keith."

Keith nodded once more. The two shared a quick kiss before Lance left, leaving Keith alone.

He doesn't love you. He's lying to you. You are worthless, stupid, and would be so much better off dead.

"I... would be so much better off dead... He.... he doesn't care... It's not like it matters.."

Good boy. Now, finish off what you started you useless scum.

Keith let out a shaky breath, grabbing a pencil and one of his notebooks. He bit his lip, beginning to write.

                      Dear Lance,
I love you more than anything in this world. You gave me hope, joy, and many other things I didn't deserve. I don't want to bother you, Pidge, Shiro, or anyone else anymore. What I'm doing is for the greater good. You'll be so much better without me. I'm gonna miss you, Lance. I really will. But please don't miss me. You were the one thing in life that kept me going this far, and I could never repay you for it. Thank you for making my last few days good ones. I don't know what'll happen after I'm gone, and honestly, it kind of scares me. Don't let things like the future scare you, Lance. Be brave for me and take care of Pidge and Shiro.
                Yours forever and always
                           Keith Kogane

Keith held back a sob as he folded the note into a tiny square. He took the note downstairs to the front table, setting it gently there in the center. This time, he couldn't hold back the sob. He made his way back to his room, dragging a chair behind him. He took a quick glance at the clock.

You still have an hour left before he comes home, Keithy~. Now's your chance, you fat, useless scum.

Keith finally managed to drag the chair into his room, along with tying his noose. He tied it to the ceiling, making Sure it was sturdy enough to hold him. He took a deep, shaky breath.

"This is it Kogane.. time to do what was needed..."

He quickly closed his bedroom door, not bothering to lock it. He stood on the chair and took a shaky breath, putting the rope around his fragile, pale neck. His hands wouldn't stop shaking as he tightened the rope, making sure it was nice and snug. He took one more breath before kicking the chair away from him as hard as he could.

He struggled against the rope, fear, regret, and relief washing over him. He watched as his world faded to black, his body going limp. He just wish he could've seen Lance one last time.

Lance finally came home after an hour, hearing silence. He looked at the folded note, a bit of worry setting in.

"Keith I'm home!"

When he got no reply, he grabbed the note. He couldn't help but notice that his hands had began to shake. He unfolded the note, his breath hitching as he read it. He dropped his note and the rest of his things, rushing to Keith's room as tears streamed his face. He opened the door, staring at his now dead boyfriend in front of him.

Lance fell to the ground due to his knees giving out from underneath him. He let out a scream, hands going into his hair. He began to sob for God knows how long. A good half hour or so went by before Lance collected himself long enough to get Keith down. He hovered over the now dead male, shaking him slightly. He couldn't help but sob some more.

"K-keith wake up! Y-you h-have to w-wake up! Don't leave me like this!"

He rested his head onto Keith's stomach, sobbing even more. He ignored his phone, which was ringing. He got up and stumbled downstairs, going to the set of kitchen knives. He picked out one at random, no longer thinking clearly. Without even hesitating, he stabbed himself in the chest. He fell to the ground on his knees, leaning forward. He watched the blood spill from his cheat and stain his clothes. Soon enough, his vision began to blur and his world faded to black.

Wow. That was really fucking depressing, I'm sorry. But anyways, I hope you all liked the sad ending!
On a different note, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Suicide is a very serious thing and shouldn't be taken lightly. If you need help, please call the suicide hotline.

Suicide Hotline number

I love you all, stay safe.~Alex

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