Chapter 2

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This first part has Bulimia in it. If you don't know what that is, it's basically eating something then throwing it up.

Keith woke up to the sound of his wretched alarm clock going off once again, slamming his hand against it. Bad idea, man. He hissed in pain and muttered a stream of swear words.

"Great. Just woke up and I'm already off to a bad start."

He sighed and got up, holding his hand to his chest in a protective manner. He stumbled down the stairs, falling to the ground on the last step. He growled and sighed more. Way to go dumbass... at least after today I won't have to deal with anything or anyone... I wonder how Pidge and Shiro would hold up.. He got up and made his way to the kitchen. He wasn't really hungry but oh well. He made himself a small sandwich, only eating half of it. He waited a few before rushing to the bathroom and throwing it up. He only wasted 10 or 20 minutes on this. He flushed the toilet before getting up and brushing his teeth. He made his way downstairs and threw away the other half of his sandwich. He went back to his room and got ready for the day, wearing the usual outfit. Since today was supposedly his last day on earth, he decided to put his hair in a pony tail. Sure, he was probably going to get picked on more because of it but after today he wouldn't have to deal with it...... right? He grabbed his bag and made his way to school, waiting for Pidge in their usual meeting spot. 

This section contains some rather hateful words towards the LGBT+ community. If you can't handle that than skip this part. I'll leave a small pattern to indicate when the hate is over. You have been warned

He seen a figure approaching him. Lotor. The schools bully, Lotor. Keith hated him with a fiery passion, as well as others in their school. Lotor smirked and made his way to Keith.

"What do you want Loto-"

He was cut off by a fist to the face, sending him to the ground. He went to speak again, only to get kicked I  the stomach.

"Fucking faggot. Do us all a favor and kill yourself. No one wants to deal with disgusting queers such as yourself."

Keith felt his stomach sink at these words as tears pricked his eyes. He went to get up, only to be kicked in the stomach once again. He let out a small yelp, which only made Lotor smirk and laugh. He grabbed Keith by the hair and yanked it.

"Hey! Leave him alone Lotor!"

Keith looked up and saw the blurry version of Lance rushing over to him. Lance tackled Lotor and pinned him to the ground.

"What the hell is your problem Lotor?! He didn't do shit to you!"

"He's a fucking disgusting faggot that should kill himself. No one wants to deal with someone as disgusting as him!"

Lance groaned and rolled his eyes, slapping Lotor.

"That, was for being and asshole."

He punched him in the stomach, making Lotor groan.

"That, was for calling him those names."

He got up and straight up kicked him in the balls, making Lotor yelp and try to get away.

"And that was just because I felt like it. There's nothing wrong with being gay. If anyone's disgusting, it's you and your shitty attitude."

Hate ends here!

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