Chapter 4

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Keith woke up sometime in the morning to the loud ringing of his alarm clock, feeling even worse than before. His stomach let out a harsh growl but he ignored it, not wanting to eat. He stood up, only to fall to the ground. He couldn't stop shaking right now. He sighed and climbed back into the bed, curling up into a ball. He closed his eyes and soon went back to sleep.

Pidge sighed, looking around for Lance. They made their way over to him, pushing up their glasses.

"Oh hey. It's Pidge, correct? Keith's best friend? Do you know where he's at? He hasn't been responding to any of my texts or calls."

Worry was lacing his words, but he couldn't care less. Lance was just worried about Keith, and has been since yesterdays incident. Pidge quickly spoke up.

"Yes, and I think he's at his house. He might've gotten sick or something. I checked up on him yesterday and he looked like shit."

"Wow. Okay. So, is he okay? Could we go check on him or something? I don't know his address or anything."

"That's exactly why I came up to you dumbass. Let's go, I'll lead the way."

Lance rolled his eyes and followed Pidge to Keith's house. Soon enough, the two of them were standing infront of the little place Keith called home. Pidge knocked on the door, receiving no reply. They sighed and rolled their eyes, beginning to pound on the door.

Keith woke up to the sound of pounding on the door. He groaned and shakily got up, wrapping a blanket around himself. He made his way to the door and opened it, only seeing Pidge. Lance was standing off to the side.

"Yes Pidge?"

"Dude why wer- wow you look like shit. Caught a cold samauri?"

Keith sighed and nodded. He knew it wasn't exactly a cold. It was just the after affects of him trying to overdose from the day before. Lance soon came into view, eyes widening.

"Mullet, are you okay? Here.."

Lance walked inside, dragging Pidge along with him. Keith raised an eyebrow at him and sighed. What the hell is he going to do? Why are they even here? Why can't they just leave me alone and let me suffer like I'm supposed to?

"Me and Pidge will take care of you!"

"Nope. No. No fucking way. I can take care of myself."

"Lance is right, Keith. Me and him will take great care of you! You'll be bett-"

Pidge was cut off by their phone ringing. They let out a sigh and shook their head.

"One moment guys."

Pidge took out their phone and walked away, answering it. After a few minutes, They walked back to them.

"I need to get going.. Matt said that something was going on and he needed help. Lance, don't kill him or hurt him. I'll end you. And Keith, try not to be an ass to him. Later guys."

Keith sighed and shook his head, while Lance was staring in slight shock.

"Later Pidgeon."

"Bye Pidge!"

And with that, Pidge left the two boys alone. Keith sighed before walking back to his room. Lance followed after, a small smile on his face.

"I'll go ahead and make you mama's soup! She always makes it when me or one of my siblings are sick."

"Lance, I'll be fine. You don't need to waste your time on me.."

"Nope! You need some rest, Keith. Now lay down while I go make the soup."

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