Chapter 1

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God where the hell is Pidge?! Pidge was supposed to be meeting Keith today after school. The two of them and Shiro were supposed to go get ice cream, but Shiro had to cancel on them. He began to pace around, that was, until he was shoved to the ground.

"Fuckin' dumbass. Learn to get out of people's way."

Keith simply rolled his eyes and picked himself off the ground as he watched the person walk away. Asshole. He looked around and spotted Pidge, who was rushing over to him. They sighed and hugged him, which he hugged back.

"Hey Pideon. What took you so long?"

Pidge smiled and chuckled a bit, adjusting their bag on their shoulder.

"I was in the computer lab. The teacher was showing me this cool app on the computer and needed help on it."

Keith chuckled and shook his head slightly, now walking to the front of the school.

"We still on for ice cream?"

Pidge nodded, following after the taller male.

"Yeah. Sucks that Shiro can't come though. Guess sometimes you gotta cancel plans when you're a captain. I'm guessing they had a surprise practice or something."

Keith simply nodded, now walking to the ice cream parlor.


"Okay, I'm just saying Keith. That's pretty fucking gay."

Keith rolled his eyes a bit.

"Of course it's gay, Pidge. I'm gay."

Keith had just told Pidge about his crush on the swim teams captain, Lance. They seemed to take it pretty well, in fact they seemed rather happy about it. Pidge chuckled and nodded, eating their ice cream.

"Yeah I know. Just saying."

Keith checked the time on his watch and sighed slightly.

"I should probably head home. Call later?"

"Maybe. I might get busy with some programming."

"As usual. Anyways, later Pidgeon."

"Later Samurai."

And with that, the two of them parted ways. Keith going back to his lonely ass house and Pidge going back to their house. Keith was always slightly jealous of Pidge. They lived with their brother, who was openly gay and dating Shiro. Keith, on the other hand, lived alone. His father died and his mother left him. There wasn't much to it. Keith was soon interrupted from his thoughts when he fell to the ground. He looked up, violet eyes meeting blue. He felt his heart stop for a moment. Lance. Lance held out a hand to Keith, giving him a friendly smile.

"Hey, sorry man. You okay?"

Keith bit his cheek and nodded, taking Lances hand. He stood up and quickly dusted himself off, frowning slightly that his ice cream was now on the ground.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was walking."

Lance chuckled softly and shook his head a bit.

"Yeah same here. Anyways, sorry again. Here, I'll go ahead and get you another ice cream."

He wasted no time in taking Keith's hand and dragging him back to the ice cream parlor, regardless of Keith's protests.

"Lance its fine, really."

"Nope. I'm buying you ice cre- wait. How do you know my name?"

"Dude, everyone knows your name. You're the captain of the swim team. You flirt with literally any girl you can."

Shit. Was that to mean? Lance simply shrugged it off and chuckled.

"Well, mullet. What kind of ice cream did you have?"

"My name is Keith, and chocolate in a waffle cone."

"Got it mullet man."

Keith let out a fake groan at the nick name, yet he oddly liked it. Lance handed the shorter male his ice cream with a smile.

"Well, now that that's out of the way. I gotta bounce so I'm not late for practice. See you around Keithy!"

He did his signature finger guns and a wink before taking off, leaving Keith by himself. Keith couldn't help but smile slightly, which was a rare thing. He made his way back to his house, this time more aware of his surroundings.


Keith was now currently on the phone with Pidge, finishing up the ice cream Lance had bought him.

"I ship it. He did the weird finger gun and wink thing that he does, right?"

"Yeah. And called me mullet, mullet man, and Keithy."

"That's kind of weird but oh well. Anyways Keith, I need to get off. Matt wants me to go eat dinner with him and Shiro. Later."

"Later Pidge."

He sighed as he hung up the phone, now sitting in silence. He finally finished the ice cream and washed his hands quickly before making his way to his room.

This part contains self harm and thoughts of suicide. If these things trigger you than please don't read. You have been warned~ Alex

Keith sighed as he turned on his phone, looking at the time. 7:29pm. He twirled his little blood stained razor in between his fingers. He rolled up his sleeve.

1 cut for being depressed
2 cuts for being a failure
3 cuts for being pathetic

They just kept coming, leaving the poor boy a mess. He hugged his knees to his chest, crying. He looked at his wrist for a bit.

"I could just end it all right now... no one would care. Pidge would be better with out me... Shiro has Matt... Maybe tomorrow... so then at least I can spend a bit more time with Pidge..."

Keith nodded slightly to himself and stood up, setting his razor on the bed side. He sighed and shook his head, putting it in its hiding place.

"There.... that's better."

He made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower, wanting nothing more to wash away the blood from his body. He stripped himself of his clothes and turned on the water to one of the hottest settings, soon getting in. He yelped a bit in pain but suffered through it. Soon enough, he just became numb and dizzy, but at least he was now clean. He got out and dried off, heading to his bedroom. He got dressed and curled up in bed, making a mental note of what he had to do tomorrow. He closed his eyes and soon enough the numbness took over, sending him to sleep.

Word count: 1,036

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