Chapter 45 - Fires

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Laura's POV

By the time we all scream, "FIRE!", Ryland and Rocky wake up from their deep sleep on the couch and floor. Ry even slams his head on the top of the table by accident while he was getting up. And Rocky rolled off the couch shouting, "Fire! Fire!" and then dropping to the ground in a ball.

Wow, you'd think the guys are strong, huh?

At the same time, Riker and Ross come running out of opposite sides of rooms. And as they both scream, "FIRE?!" as well, they bump into each other on the heads, knocking them both to the floor before they could get to the stairs. Even at this horrible moment, my sister and I couldn't help but put out a small laugh.

"Get the fire extinguisher!" Ellington shouts and points towards the huge, red, metal bottle at the corner of our kitchen.

Rocky and Ry rise up, but Vanessa is closest, so she grabs the extinguisher and throws it to Ryland. Not surprisingly, he caught it and flicked the handle, spraying the white, fluffy foam all over Rocky's face.

"REALLY?!" Rocky shouts as he wipes the foam away from his eyes with both hands.

Okay so when this is over, our family needs to have a fire drill exercise.

Ryland laughed a little, but after a short second, he runs towards the yellow-orangish glow and shot the foam all over the fire.

Ross and Riker finally arrive at the end of the stairs towards us, both with reddish marks on their foreheads.

"Are you okay?" Ross comes rushing towards me, holding both my hands.

"I'm fine," I say.

I look over my left, and see Riker comforting Vanessa, making sure she's alright as well.

Then all our gazes shift to Ryland, who put out the fire. The walls and a few objects were either turning to dust, or turning black. Burnt.

We all let out a sigh of relief. However, it wasn't a long time of relief. Suddenly, another glowing fire appears behind me, the hot temperature making me jump onto Ross's arms. He quickly guides me away from the fire, towards Ellington and Rydel, and Riker does the same with my sister.

Ry shoots into action again and sprays the fire extinguisher to the fire. Only one problem, it's finished.

We all scream, and Riker grabs the phone to call 911. He gave them our address and he directed us to go outside.

We did as told, but since it's very late at night, the street is dark. And the only lights are from posts.

Ross intertwines my fingers with his as I lean on his chest and watch the fire growing around our house. My eyes are wet, and streaks of water run down my face. Ross must've heard me, so he leans down and gently kisses my forehead, before resting his head on mine.

By the time fire trucks arrive, the house is mostly covered in flames. And because of the loud alarm, Mark and Stormie come out of their house and run towards us.

Stormie, curlers in her hair, wearing a pink, Hello Kitty night gown. Classic, sweet Mrs. Lynch. She takes all of us in a hug while Mark talks to a firemen.

This. This is horrible. As horrible as it is, it doesn't make sense. Fire does not start out of no where. Blenders and ovens do not turn on by themselves. If anything, the most logical explanation is that someone started this. Someone hijacked the power in the house, and someone set the house on fire. And I know who it is too. The same person who hijacked my parent's plane.


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