chapter 31

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Three more chapters before the epilogue guys! I'll start a  new story soon. Maybe it's Brey and Juno's love story (still tentative) so stay tuned!  

A HARD slap landed on Kellan's cheek from his step-mother. Anger was written all over her face while staring daggers at him. He could also see the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes because of anger that she was feeling. Aside from that, he could see disappointment for him and he felt so bad about it.

He knew that she loved him and treated him as her own son. He never have felt like she treated him differently from how she treated Jillian. She became her mother ever since she got married to his father and he has a lot of respect for her.

Even he, did the same. He loved her like his own mother. He thought that his life would turn hell because his father married another woman but he was wrong. His step-mother turned to be a kind and caring woman. She became his pillar and shoulder to lean on whenever he was longing for his deceased mother that's why he dedicated all his achievements to her.

Even though his grades weren't that high because he acted like a truant and turned out to be irresponsible sometimes, she was still praising him whenever he's done something good. Whenever his father was scolding him because of his behavior, she would still defend him because she believed in him that he could do good things if he exert an effort to do so.

She served as his listener and believed in his explanations. That's why he promised to himself that he would never give her any problem and would never hurt her. He wanted her to be proud of him.

But now, she could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes towards him and he couldn't help but to feel ashamed and guilty. He hurt her daughter and he knew that the pain that she was feeling right now for Gaelle was double. As a mother, she's hurting for her daughter.

She just came home from her work at the hospital while he just arrived home as well from searching for Gaelle. He tried to look for her in every place that he expected for her to go to but she was nowhere to be found to any of those places. It was already 10 pm but his stomach was still empty because he didn't eat the whole day while searching for Gaelle.

But even though he didn't eat, he couldn't feel his hunger at all because his mind was focused on searching for Gaelle. He was determined to see her and talk to her.

It was as if his world crumbled down when he came home from Beatrice's house and she wasn't there anymore. The fear that he was feeling became double when he saw that her clothes weren't there anymore too. He knew that she got angry and full of resentment right at that moment because of what he did earlier. He accepted to himself that everything that happened was his fault because he let himself became fool and stupid.

He let Beatrice manipulated him. He promised to Gaelle that he would never let Beatrice manipulate him again but here he was again. Beatrice has been deceiving and fooling him all along but he didn't even notice it.

He believed and hold onto a piece of a fake DNA test result that he thought was authentic. He did everything in order to fight for his right for Brett even though he was aware that Gaelle was being affected and hurting by his actions. But now that the bitter truth finally revealed, reality bit him that he didn't have anything to fight for because he never had any right with Brett from the start because he wasn't his real son.

Maybe this was his karma because he hurt Gaelle before because he fell into Beatrice's trap. But heck, why did this thing have to happen to them? He should be the only one to suffer and get hurt because all of this was his own doing. Gaelle shouldn't get affected by all this because she didn't do anything. He's hurting too whenever he sees her hurting and he doesn't want her to suffer anymore.

Taking what's rightfully his (English version)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now