Another Alternate Ending: The Liberal One

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"Veronica, are you happy?" JD asked her.

"What?" Veronica asked.

"Are you happy with your life?"

Veronica didn't know how to respond. She had always been taught to be content with where she was in life. She had been taught that having ambition and wanting something more was nothing but selfish. She was taught a lot of things, but did she really agree with all of it?

"Ya know what, JD? I'm not happy."

"Then join me. All you have to do is say yes," He extended his hand out to her. "We can blast these sinners into hell and-"

"Okay, let me stop you right there. I do not condone killing people under any circumstance."

JD sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I kinda went a bit insane there..."

"So, you gonna defuse that bomb or...?"

"Oh, yeah."

So, JD defused the bomb and he and Veronica decided to ditch the pep rally and head to the nearest 7/11. Eventually, Veronica decided to ditch her parents and make decisions on her own. She and JD were free to do what they wanted to do as a couple and set their own boundaries without Veronica's parents' constant disapproval.

    Eventually, they did get married, and unlike what Veronica had predicted, Big Bud Dean did speak at their wedding. Turns out the whole "dad" and "son" thing was just a family joke. Unfortunately, Veronica's parents did not attend.

    Veronica even went on to get a job as a politician and eventually, a senator of Ohio, while JD got a job as a lawyer.

And they both lived happily ever after.


OH, WAIT! I forgot to mention the part where a flying Christian Slater snatched Veronica.

To bee continued...

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