Chapter Six: I'm a Dead Girl Walking

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A/N: Please note that this chapter does mention fornication. Reader discretion is advised.

Veronica was walking home when she noticed someone very familiar. She could see a silhouette of a person in a long coat.

When she got a bit closer, she discovered that the silhouette was JD. She went up to him, and said "Hi."

He turned around. "Greetings and salutations, Veronica Sawyer."

"What are you doing here?"

"When I'm walking on my own, it helps me to think." (JD, that song is so overused.)

"Oh. I was just going home. Let's just say the party was a bit... atheistic for my taste."

"Well, what'd you expect?"

"A conventional high school party. A lot more fruit punch and dancing, less champagne, brownies, and Dawkins."

"Strange combination."

"You're telling me," Veronica said. "And I think I upset Heather Chandler when I said that I didn't feel comfortable when they were annotating the Bible."

"If it's any consolation, my dad's out of town, and I rented a few movies. Wanna come over for a bit?"

"Sure, thanks."

They walked down the street to JD's house, and went inside.

"Sit on the couch, make yourself at home," JD said as he picked up a few DVD boxes. "We've got Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Waitress, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, parts one and two, and Damn Yankees. What do you wanna watch?"

"What's Waitress about?"

"It's about this waitress in the south who goes through a lot of relationship drama."

"Sounds interesting, let's give it a watch."

JD popped in the DVD, and sat down next to Veronica.

A few moments later, JD put his arm around Veronica. She didn't know how to feel about this! On one hand; it felt nice to have his arm around her. It felt warm and comforting.

But she was also worried that if she responded positively, things might escalate as quickly as the fight in Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy.

Then she remembered that JD was a Christian, not an atheist. He wouldn't force her into intimacy. He had to know he would burn in hell if he did that.

She decided to move closer to him. He gently rubbed her shoulder with his hand. Veronica smiled. This was exactly what she needed.

Then, JD did what no moral Christian would do. He kissed her. Veronica was a bit shocked at first, wondering if she would go to hell, but she couldn't say no to this, (NO, NO, SAY NO TO THIS) so she eventually let things escalate all too quickly.

The ultimate sin was committed: Fornication!

While she and JD fornicated, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She was doing the very thing her parents constantly told her to never do, and she was enjoying it! She just couldn't sink the feeling that she would burn in hell for this.

She still couldn't resist the way JD would gently hold her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, she loved how warm he felt against her skin, and she couldn't stay away from him when he'd try and.... WOAH, this is supposed to be Good, Christian literature™....

"Ya know something?" Veronica asked him after they fornicated.


"You're beautiful," she said as she leaned in to kiss him (The answer is yes, I would ship JDronica if it wasn't so toxic).

Later, she wrote about it in her diary.

Dear diary,

I fornicated with JD, and I just don't know what I should be feeling. On one hand, it was nice. I liked it, but at the same time I just couldn't shake the feeling that I'll go to hell for this... I just hope God will forgive me, especially for liking it. I didn't mean to like it, honest! It's just that I really like JD and how he... you know. I think that the Heathers' atheistic ways are starting to rub off on me. I should've never forged that hall pass.

A/N: Blessings!

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