Chapter 8: Stuffum's true enemy

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In the darkness of the room everybody was sound asleep except for a few Zs being heard from some operatives which doesn't seem to wake up the others except for Numbuh 86 who continuously try to block it out with no avail. Meanwhile back at Stuffum's ship, she had to recook every amount of food since the ones she just bake went off the bridge to the great unknown and probably desolve.

Gramma Stuffum: Curse that skinny boy, thanks to him I had to recook an entire meal. I don't even think my super meal will be enough.

Liver: So what now?

Onions: Yeah what now?

Gramma Stuffum: Once I get my food army back into fighting numbers I'll catch up to those skinny scarecrows and stuffed them. *Suddenly her phone started to ring, she answered it with a rude tone*. What is it I'm trying to cook here!

???: I heard your having trouble with those kids next door.

Gramma Stuffum: Trouble? No trouble. I just having a little issue with a skinny boy who's in need of a good snack.

???: What if I told you I know where their going and how you can cross paths with them.

Gramma Stuffum: Ha! Like a need advice from you.

???: Yes because your plan was working so well with two sectors eating your food for the others to escape and Nigel Uno blowing the bridge out so your food army would fall and force you to retreat.

Gramma Stuffum: Ok, so I'm having a little trouble.

???: Which will only get bigger if you don't listen up.

Gramma Stuffum: Why are you doing this?

???: Let's say there's a certain someone I want to payback.

Gramma Stuffum: Tell me.

???: For starter, Nigel Uno is not your enemies or at least not the primary issue, it's Rachel Mckenzine.

Gramma Stuffum: Little Rachel.

???: Yes, Numbuh 362 is the brain of the operation. Numbuh 1 is just there to distract you.

Gramma Stuffum: I'm afraid you don't quite understand how those two work. Alone their awful but together...

???: True, however Numbuh 1 won't go as far if Numbuh 362 speaks otherwise. So your key to defeating Nigel Uno is not through him but through Rachel herself.

Gramma Stuffum: So to defeat Mr. Uno, I have to go through his girlfriend.

???: She's not his- I mean... yes, if you take down Numbuh 362, Numbuh 1 will go with her, and the rest of the KND will fall with him.

Gramma Stuffum: Sounds like a plan, but uh, who are you?

???: All will be reveal shorty for now prepare enough meal as you can, you know your target and you have your mission.

Gramma Stuffum: But...

???: End Transmission.

Gramma Stuffum: O-K??? Liver, Onions, we're gonna make a special dish for one.

Liver: I dish for only one person?

Onions: A one course meal?

Gramma Stuffum: Yes, it sounds weird but this isn't just an ordinary one course meal. It's a one course meal made for a queen. Hahahahahahaha!

*Back at the hallway, every operative was still sound asleep with no noise breaking the silent past the already annoying snoring that is keeping Numbuh 86 awake for almost half the night until she got up and beat those snoring operatives until they turn into silent sleepers. She look at her watch and notice the time was almost five in the morning and she haven't see, heard, or smell Gramma Stuffum which causes her to take caution before going back to sleep until she turn around and saw the supreme leader wrap in a blanket with Sector V's leader, she usually get mad but instead smile and started grinning saying to herself "I knew it" before going back to her corner and laying back down. Before she could get comfortable and fall back to sleep, Numbuh 60 roll over into her space and was completely on top of Fanny which causes her to get annoy.

Numbuh 86: Patton. Patton. Patton, get off of me I'm trying to sleep. *He was so soundly asleep that he didn't hear a word Fanny said*. Damn, a deep sleeper. *She try readjusting herself to get comfortable, but Numbuh 60's weight made it harder for her to move so she was unable to get comfortable. She try pushing him off of her but his heavy weight pull him back on to her, she kept pushing him until she was so annoy that she basically gave up and just had to put up with Numbuh 60 being on top of her and just pray Stuffum doesn't find them or she wakes up early enough to knock Patton off before people she her*.

Back at Stuffum's ship, she was sound asleep while Liver, Onions, and some of the food soldiers were cooking in the portable kitchen. After the mysterious caller say Numbuh 362 was the target she was remained of the day Father sent her to Sector Unknown to battle the newly graduated cadets and remember how much trouble Nigel, Rachel, Fanny, and Patton were.

*Stuffum's dream*

On the kitchen tv, she had a call from Father.

Gramma Stuffum: Ah, Father, is it time for the adult super conference?

Father: No, but I got something extra special for you than another mundane conference.

Gramma Stuffum: Extra special! I hope it's more extra special than you sending us to that villain's boot camp or the villains training school or the villains'... *Before getting cut off by Father*.

Father: I get it. This mission is for your liking and your liking only.

Gramma Stuffum: I'm interested.

Father: Recently the Kids Next Door got some new babies that join their little club. These new set of cadets are just full of energy, I think it's about time we show them the horror of the real world.

Gramma Stuffum: Oh, new children. Gramma Stuffum loves the sound of new children to feed.

Father: Yes, Gramma. I think your the perfect adult for the job. I'll send you the location to their little treehouse and I want you to go and... "serve" them a taste of humiliation and defeat.

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