Chapter 4: Chinese Thanksgiving

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It has been hours since they started a trip to operation cookout and they already lost Sector E. Everyone continue to remain dead set on Numbuh 362's plan with some questioning whether this plan of her's was actually going to work. Numbuh 363 was still upset by Sector E's action calling it foolish and proceed to call them idiots in his mind. Numbuh 363 ran behind his sister and started pulling on her hood.

Numbuh 362: What's wrong, Harvey?

Numbuh 363: Why did Sector E foolishly scarified their stomachs knowing they didn't have a chance?

Numbuh 362: Like I said this plan of mine was shaky at best so I guess they figure if they attack individual people Stuffum wouldn't attack us as a group.

Numbuh 363: That is stupid!

Numbuh 86 walk beside them and said this

Numbuh 86: That's call being noble.

Numbuh 363: Who asked you!

Numbuh 60 than walk behind Numbuh 363 and said

Numbuh 60: Don't talk to Fanny like that, at a time like this noble sacrifices are welcome.

Numbuh 363: Than why doesn't Numbuh 1 sacrifice himself nobly?

Numbuh 86: What does any of this have to do with Numbuh 1?

*The group came to a halt as they came up to a door. Some operatives try to open it and were unable.*

Numbuh 42: Now what?

Suddenly a laugh noise can be heard and they saw a cook turkey

Gramma Stuffum: Now, you eat! This bird is pack full of nutrition that'll fatten you up quite nicely. Now every children open wide and say ahhhh.

Numbuh 363 pull out a m.u.s.k.e.t.

Numbuh 363: Ewwww I hate eating turkeys but I'll enjoy kicking it.

Gramma Stuffum: Who is that rude little boy?

Numbuh 65.3: THAT'S Numbuh 363, Numbuh 362's annoying little brother.

Numbuh 1 look over at Numbuh 362 with a confuse look on his face

Numbuh 1: You had a younger brother?

Numbuh 362: Yup.

Numbuh 1: I knew you for years you never told me you had a younger sibling. I thought you were an only child like me.

Numbuh 362: It never came up in our conversations.

Numbuh 86: And believe me you were better off not knowing.

Numbuh 363 look back at Numbuh 1 with a smiling shit eating grin on his face

Numbuh 363: That's right numero loser. I AM the proud brother of Numbuh 362 who's butt you been following forever and starting today I'm gonna prove why your legacy as the best operative in the Kids Next Door was a fluke.

Numbuh 1: Numbuh 363 now isn't the time to start a rivalry right now. We need to-

Numbuh 363: Shut it Uno. I don't know why my sister or anybody else on this stupid moonbase see you as this great #1 operative when your not even good enough to be on the same level as Numbuh 274.

Numbuh 202 *Thinking*: There's millions of reasons why but now is not the time and besides I doubt anyone would take Numbuh 363 seriously even IF he outrank Numbuh 1 which would take until he get decommission.

Numbuh 363 turn back at Stuffum's turkey and preceded to point his m.u.s.k.e.t. at it

Numbuh 363: Now as for you Stuffum. I doubt my sister's plan is going to work or that idiot Numbuh 1 will keep us all safe from your food of terror.

Gramma Stuffum: Plan? What plan?

Numbuh 362: My little brother. *Thinking* "I'm starting to wish I other had a little sister like Numbuh 3 or be an only child like Numbuh 1".

Gramma Stuffum: I don't know what your sister and her skinny friends are planning but no one can plan on an empty stomach.

The turkey drop some dressing onto the floor which came alive. The operatives in the front try to fight them while the operatives in the back try to get the door open.*

Gramma Stuffum: It may be too early for thanksgiving but it's never to early TO EAT!

Numbuh 78: Everybody hold your position.

Numbuh 78 was engulf in cranberry sauce and was slowly swallowing it. Numbuh 1 and 60 try to pull her out but the cranberry was too solid for them to reach in.

Numbuh 60: How's that door coming!?

Numbuh 74.239: It still won't budge and we're running out of time.

Numbuh 518: Than we'll have to make more. Sector C, BATTLESTATIONS!

The remaining members of sector c pull out bibs, giant folks, and giant knifes. Numbuh 363 look behind him and was angry by their decision.

Numbuh 1: Sector C you don't have to do this.

Numbuh 48: Yes we do. We only made it this far because of the nobleness of Sector E and so we will make the same level of nobleness so you can get Numbuh 362 and the others to wherever she needs to go.

Numbuh 74.239: We almost crack it! *He said in the background*

Numbuh 363: Oh hell no!

Numbuh 362 shouted real loud "Harvey!".

Numbuh 363: No. I'm not letting sector c still my spotlight.

Numbuh 518: Only a fool without honor would put their rivalry first before their own survival. In ours and many other Asian countries we value honor over everything.

Numbuh 363: That's cute and all but we ain't Chinese, Japanese, or anynese, so MOVE!

Numbuh 1 grabs Numbuh 363 and threw him.

Numbuh 1: Knock it off, Harvey!

Numbuh 363: Did you... touch me?!

Numbuh 363 eyes begin to shrink in sizes

Numbuh 362: Oh no.

Numbuh 363: Don't. You. Touch-

Numbuh 86 grab him by his neck and threw him into the doorhole.

Numbuh 86: Let's Go!

She ran into the doorhole with Numbuh 1 and 362 remaining behind to say goodbye to Sector C.

Numbuh 1: Thanks for doing this.

Numbuh 518 and 48 both bow down and say "For the Kids Next Door". They all hug before Numbuh 1 and 362 ran through the door shutting it behind them.

Numbuh 518: Now than. She said while looking back at Gramma Stuffum.

Gramma Stuffum: What's this?! More skinny children wish to challenge Gramma Stuffum?!

Numbuh 518: Yeah and we're all pretty hungry. Sector C rises their folks and knifes high in the sky.

Gramma Stuffum: Very well. Turkey drop the "Thanksgiving dinner"!

The turkey begin to drop thanksgiving food monsters out of it's body. The food it drop was Ham Pigs, dressing, sweet spinach potato casserole, Mac and Blue cheese, Corndog bread, Cranberry sauce, and for dessert a giant pumpkin pie.

Numbuh 888: So this is what Americans get fat off of once a year.

Numbuh 408: I'm having second thoughts about this.

Numbuh 518: Too late for that. Kids Next Door, EAT!

Sector C charges at them with full force and within a few short minutes, Stuffum's entire thanksgiving feast was gone. The Ham pies were nothing but a head, the sweet spinach potato casserole was completely devoured with only it's leg foot visible, the Mac and Blue Cheese was completely lick clean, the cranberry sauce was still being eaten by a few fat operatives, the pumpkin pie was less pie and more trey, there was no sign of the stuffing outsides of the mess on Sector C's mouth, clothes, and the moonbase's wall, and even her turkey's skin was completely eaten only leaving it's skeletal remains behind. Gramma Stuffum was both excited and anger at the same time as she never seen so many kids eat her food all at once but angry since it was her last batch again. As for Sector C every operatives were now completely round and fatten up, they weren't unable to move as their now able to round around the room like little balls. Every operative had remains of the food they ate on their mouth and armor. Some operatives were complaining about tummyache while others try to finish off what's left.

Numbuh 518: Don't let up Sector C *urp* we much... stand... *urp*. Ohhhhh.

Numbuh 888: Happy Thanksgiving. Urp.

Gramma Stuffum: Such healthy children ate all of Gramma Stuffum's delicious food but you didn't save any for the others.

Numbuh 407: Lucky them *urp*.

Gramma Stuffum: Now while I go and get more food to feed those hungry escapees I'll let you fat children of Sector C have fun rounding around until dessert.

*Gramma Stuffum ran out of the room laughing. While the other members of Sector C were scare of the idea of dessert from her.*

Numbuh 47: What do we do now sir?

Numbuh 48: Have no fear, we got a plan, right?

*He look over his shoulder and saw Numbuh 518's eyes completely close.*

Numbuh 518: Yeah, we got a plan. Uh, just let me rest my stomach a bit and than we'll relay it to y'all if I remember. 

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