Chapter 1: What started as a typical day

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Codename Kids Next Door



Aboard the Kids Next Door Moonbase every single operative was doing something (Definitely ain't working) except for Numbuh 362 who was always working. She goes from one task to the other with no break in-between.

Random Female operative: Numbuh 362, I need your help over here.

Every 5 minutes someone needs her for a duty. All she want is for the day to be over so she can relax in a nice hot bath.

Numbuh 362: *Yawn*

Numbuh 86: Tired sir?

Numbuh 362: Tired is an understatement but yes.

Numbuh 86: Maybe you should take a break.

Numbuh 362: I need a vacation but it's hard to find another operative who'll be foolish enough to take this job for 3 days let alone a week.

Numbuh 86: What about *She stop for a moment and look down and said* Numbuh 1?

Numbuh 362: Nigel? Why would he want to-

*Flashback to operation IT*

Numbuh 1: "You know I always thought I would be a good supreme leader and than I realize I couldn't handle the pressure."

Numbuh 362: "Really? When did you realize that?"

Numbuh 1: "Just now."

*Back to present day*

Numbuh 362 look down and started to blush

Numbuh 362: Forgot Nigel said that. He wouldn't want it he's just a silly boy. Heh, silly boy.

Numbuh 86 look down and see Numbuh 362's blood red face.

Numbuh 86: Are you in love with him?

Numbuh 362: With who? Oh him. Heh, don't be silly I love all my operatives. *She said as she look and see Numbuh 13 making a fool of himself yet again* Maybe a good 99%. *Fanny looks at her and smile real hard*. Stop that I'm not in love with Nigel Uno. I'm going to my office.

*Numbuh 362 travel a bit down the hall into she went her office door, but before she could open the door a loud noise was heard* SIS! *She turn her head around to see who was yelling and not surprising to her, it was her baby brother Harvey Mckenzine or Numbuh 363 of Sector W*

Numbuh 362: Harvey I told you about your inside voice.

Numbuh 363: Is it true?

Numbuh 362: Is what true?

Numbuh 363: Don't play dumb sis, I know you know because your Numbuh 362 and all.

She looks at her brother and beginning to be annoy

Numbuh 362: And what am I suppose to know since I'm "Numbuh 362 and all"?

Numbuh 363: Is Numbuh 1 the best operative in the Kids Next Door!

Numbuh 362 look at Numbuh 363 and started laughing out loud

Numbuh 362: Oh Harvey, you know that's just a rumor.

Numbuh 363: Yeah but, someone said it was true because always call on him for everything.

Numbuh 362 started to blush

Numbuh 362: That's not true. Numbuh 1 just does his job just like you, Fanny, Patton, and well, anybody else who takes this job seriously.

Numbuh 363: Than why do you like him?

Numbuh 362: Why does everyone keep saying that? *She was beginning to get annoyed*

Numbuh 363: Because last night you were on the phone with him for over an hour talking about Yiper and other 10 year old stuff.

Numbuh 362: Harvey we're just two friends talking to each other about things we like. You would know if you had any friends to talk to.

*Numbuh 363 got mad*

Numbuh 363: I can't help it if nobody is willing to acknowledge my coolness.

Numbuh 362 (Thinking): Your coolness isn't the issue.

Numbuh 363: You just watch me sis. I'm gonna outshine that dock Numbuh 1 and become the best operative in the Kids Next Door.

Numbuh 362: Little brother, as a Kids Next Door operative who fight against the cruelty of adults not getting into petty rivalry. It doesn't matter how hard you work if you as a person stinks.

Numbuh 363: Your saying that because he's your favorite.

Numbuh 362: Harvey.

*Numbuh 363 ran into the other direction and say "Watch me I'll gonna get the Sector the highest achieve score that even YOU would acknowledge my leadership". Numbuh 362 sighed at her brother's jealously and stupidity. She went into her office and was going to call Numbuh 1 but he was already there."

Numbuh 362: NUMBUH 1!

Numbuh 1: Hey Rachel.

Numbuh 362: How long has you- ?

Numbuh 1: The whole time. Your brother, he's... not that smart... or a team player.

Numbuh 362: I know he's my kid brother what am I gonna do.

Numbuh 1: Excuse your authority as the older sibling.

Numbuh 362: Haha.

Numbuh 1: I wasn't aware people thought I was the best operative in the Kids Next Door.

Numbuh 362: School yard rumors.

Numbuh 1: And especially didn't know that you like me.

*Numbuh 362 spilt her soda back into the can and started blushing*

Numbuh 362: As a friend.

Numbuh 1: You right. I mean, imagine if your brother saw us dating wouldn't that be silly?

Numbuh 362: Y-Yeah. Pretty silly.

*Suddenly the alert ring*

Numbuh 362: What's happening?

Numbuh 1: Don't know.

*Suddenly a noise was heard from the cafeteria*

Numbuh 362: Something came from the cafeteria. We better go investigate it. 

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