Chapter 16

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"Bright, can't you drive faster?"

"Ai'Arthit, we're already almost above the speed limit!"

"Don't worry, Arthit. We will get there on time," Knot reassures him.

Arthit has thought about coming out to Bright and Prem while in the car, like what he did with Knot. However, his mind is too occupied right now with the thought of being at the party, and he can't muster up the same courage he showed earlier. He doesn't even notice that his two friends aren't curious about why he's in a hurry and is forcing Bright to drive faster.

Arthit just relaxes when they reach Bangkok. He looks at his watch, and they still have time for a little stop. Bright is about to turn to their university's street when Arthit asks him to halt:

"Bright, wait!"

And just like that, Bright stops the car.

"Can you drive straight to my dorm? I just need to get something real quick," Arthit says in an urgent tone.

Bright looks at Knot in the rearview mirror. The latter gives him a nod, so he resumes driving straight.

"Thanks, Bright," Arthit says.

"Just make sure I get to be there on time for my chocolates."

"I'll give you more if you want, just drive faster."

They pull up in front of Arthit's dorm. "Give me three minutes," he says. Without waiting for his friends' response, he storms inside and climbs up to his floor. Opening his door in no time, he goes straight to his bedside drawer and grabs what he needs.

His gifts for his juniors might be in the car with his other things, but the one for the most important person was left in this drawer. He pockets the bracelets he bought that day when he was alone in the mall. Then, he goes out of his room and hurriedly jogs back to Knot's car.

"The flash," Prem comments when Arthit opened the door. "What did you get?"

Arthit tried to think of a lie, but no. Today, he decided there would be no more lies.

"Just a gift for someone."


The Thank You Party is a yearly event held by the Engineering faculty every last Saturday of January. Because of the SOTUS system, its seniors and juniors have a close relationship, and the party is a way to celebrate it.

This year, it's being held on their building's rooftop, which is now decorated with colorful lights. The place is already filled with students, all dressed in bright colors.

Tutah is talking on the stage when Kongpob and Em arrive. They are greeted by Tew and Praepailin who lead them to their other friends.

Tew elbows Em and whispers, "How is he?"

After Em shakes his head, they step on the side so Kongpob won't hear them. "He only came with me because I forced him to," Em answers.

"P'Knot said this morning that they might not make it," Tew says.

"How did he tell you?"

"Uhh... he texted me."

"And you have his number, how?"

"I... got it after our meeting."

Em gives his friend a suspicious look, and Tew returns it with an awkward smile.

"Oh. Here. He texted again," Tew says. "They're now on their way here, and oh! P'Arthit already told him everything."

"Really? That's good!"

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