Chapter 1

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"Uh, Kongpob..." He glances at his new boyfriend. "I have something to return to you." Arthit tries to fool him. Kongpob opens his palm, and the other lets the gear dangle from his hand. Shocked, Kongpob looks at Arthit, thinking the senior is returning his gear to him.

But this gear is gold. "57" is written on it. It's his gear. Kongpob realized Arthit is giving his own gear to him.

"Take care of it for me." 

Kongpob can't believe it. Never he imagined that his senior will give his own gear.

"I'll take care of it with all of my heart," he says, unapologetically beaming a wide smile.

Arthit didn't expect he can do such a thing. He knows himself. His awareness of all his dislikable characteristics that night on the bridge proves it. He's being overwhelmed by his own cheesiness that all he can do is walk away with a large smile he's trying so hard to suppress.

"Nong, your food!" The guy manning the food stall reminded him. It's embarrassing. He really forgot the food he ordered, Kongpob's favorite bland food that he ordered just because he wants to be reminded of him. Arthit shyly goes back and pays for the food. "This is not your usual order. What happened?" The man at the food stall is curious. He knows Arthit since his first year in the university.

Kongpob happened. That's the right answer, but in no way Arthit will tell him that. He just smiles and grabs the food. Kongpob, amused, just watches him.

Since they both ordered take-outs, they decide to bring their food to Arthit's room and eat together. This will be their first meal together as a couple.


Their dinner goes smoothly. No one talks, and both are just content with stealing glances at each other. Both of them ask themselves if new boyfriends eat this way.

After finishing their meal, Kongpob sits on Arthit's bed, not really sure what to do next. It was easy to tease his senior back then, but now that he's his boyfriend, he doesn't want Arthit to be annoyed with him.

Arthit notices Kongpob's silence. He thinks that, maybe, Kongpob is thinking of what he's thinking.

Since the night Arthit kissed Kongpob, he was already thinking of how to break the news to his friends. Coming out is already a big thing itself, but coming out and announcing that he's already dating a guy, the guy that everyone knows he despises, would be enormous news.

He sits beside his junior, thinking of how to open the conversation.

"P'Arthit, is everything alright?" 

Arthit sighs. "Kongpob, what do you think of your friends? Do you plan to tell them?" Kongpob tilts his head.

Arthi bites his lip. "I mean, do you plan to tell them about us?"

Kongpob is startled by the question, but he already thought of it, too. Em is his best friend for years now, and he will surely be shocked. However, he knows his best friend is understanding and accepting, so he doesn't really seem like a problem. Based on how they accepted Prae when she came out, he thinks his other friends will be okay with it too. Or is it different for gay guys?

"I know them, P'. I'm sure they will be okay. Besides, they don't have a say in our relationship."

"I know that, Kong. I just don't want you to lose your friends because of me." 

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