Chapter 6

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Arthit and Kongpob sleep holding each other's hands until Arthit breaks it to unconsciously spoon Kongpob. They stay in that position until morning, until Kongpob's alarm goes off. He is scheduled to meet Em, Oak, and Tew today to work on their group project.

"Kongpob! Turn it off!!" Everybody knows Arthit is not a morning person. "And why is that your alarm song?"

Kongpob opens his eyes and notices their position. He wants to comment on it, but thinking about the nagging he will receive from his boyfriend if he does stops him. Arthit might also stop spooning him if he points it out, so he keeps his mouth shut. Reluctantly, he gets up and turns off the alarm. "Good morning, P'Arthit." Kongpob kisses his cheek. He chuckles as Arthit rolls his eyes. After rolling, those eyes close, and Arthit's back to sleep.

How can Arthit wake him up, nag at him, and just go back to sleep? Amused, Kongpob shakes his head and goes straight to the bathroom.

After freshening up, he goes to the food stalls and buys Chinese doughnuts, iced coffee, and pink milk for their breakfast. Back in the room where his boyfriend is still sleeping, he's sets up the table, and that's when he notices something south of his boyfriend's body. Oh.

Kongpob's eyes widen.

This shouldn't surprise him; every morning, he gets one too, but seeing his boyfriend with it gives him a feeling he hasn't felt before. Kongpob stares at it for a few seconds before continuing to set up the table. Temptation makes him want to do something with it, but he's smart and decent enough not to act upon it. He has already come to terms with himself being gay, but, according to him, not that kind of gay... yet.

It looks like Arthit won't be waking up soon, and Kongpob respects his boyfriend's sleep time, so he proceeds to eating breakfast on his own. From time to time, he steals glances at his boyfriend's boner. Needless to say, he chokes on Chinese doughnuts more than once.

His boyfriend is still asleep when he finishes his food, and as much as he wants to wait for him, his friends need him now, so he decides to just leave a note on the table:

"Good morning, P'. I already left. Meeting my classmates. Love you. :)"

He sticks it on the pink milk cup and leaves the room. Stealing one last glance at the tent created by Arthit's shorts, he closes the door and walks away, blushing without his boyfriend doing anything.


After taking a bath in his own room, Kongpob grabs his things and rushes to Tew's room, which is in a building a block away. He, Oak, Em, and Tew are all supposed to be meeting there at 10 AM.

Tew opens the door for Kongpob. He is just wearing a white shirt and boxer shorts. Seeing Tew in these clothes makes Kongpob remember what he saw earlier this morning.

"Kong, are you alright?" Tew waves his hand at his friend who is staring at his shorts.

"Oh... Are they not here yet?"

"Not yet."

"Of course."

"Come in."

Tew's room is neat. He has a large bookshelf beside his study table where his laptop is on. Both are opposite a large bed. Kongpob settles himself on the bed. He plays with his phone for a while and texts his boyfriend.

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