The accident

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It was a hot summer night midnight I was sure the clock read. My mom, dad, brother and I were all tucked into bed sleeping in the sound, peaceful, silence. Suddenly bumping and thrashing awoke me. Coming from my closed door some one was breaking in. Paralyzed in fear I sat in my bed I could hear him making his way to my brothers room. I slowly opened my door and watched from my room. He had my brother by the arm and drug him down the hallway to my parents room. At that moment I snuck into my brothers room he had an array of nerf guns, baseball bats, and various other sports equipment. I grabbed a metal baseball bat as I listened to the heart wrenching screams of my mom and dad a gun pointed at them both. As he drug them into the living room he threw them against the fireplace. As clear as the sky is blue i remember him speaking at first my parents. "Let the boy come here or I shoot him" as the gun points at my now crying brother. "Boy come here or I shoot your mother," he said shifting the gunpoint at my mom. My brother slowly gets up and walks towards the dickhead when he then pulls my brother closer and points the gun to his head. "Here's what's going to happen," he starts. Without warning i clench the bat tightly in my hands knocks the gun out of the mans hands and hit him over the head. Now dropping the gun and my brother he falls to the floor with blood dripping from his forehead. I then grab my brother and by my parents command we run out the door. The man picked up the gun ignoring his head injury and shot at us hitting my brother right above his pelvic bone. Our mother and father scream almost as loud as my brother who is now in agonizing pain. Our mom and dad snap and attack the man as I hold my brother and climb into a tree with enough leaves to hide us. My brothers wound was getting worse I had to do something; and fast. I take off his shirt to see the full exposed gruesome wound. I looked my brother strait on the eyes and told him I had the get the bullet out. Now with a stick to bite on in his mouth and my hand squeezing his. I mustered all my bravery to pull out the bullet. And I did. My hand now drenched in my brothers blood and the other squeezed so tight it might break I stuff his shirt in to the gun wound. But Suddenly a moment cut through the suffering of my brother. 2 shots fired and an escaping murderer.

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