Chapter ¹⁸

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"How are you doing this, Parker." Flash hissed after he lied about going to the bathroom only to go find Peter instead.

"Doing what?" Peter asked, looking at Flash for a second before looking bsck at his Stark Phone, that was used specifically for projects; impossible to get hacked into, other than Tony himself, but Peter has yet to test that theory.

"Why the hell would the Tony Stark and Steve Rogers talk to you." Flash asked as he poked Peter in the chest.

"Because I work here?" Peter asked confused. He thought that Tony had made his place clear.

"Don't bullshit me, Penis. How much did you pay them? Did you sleep with someone to get here?" Flash had interrogated as both kids had no idea of a group of angry adults made their way at the end of the hallway, watching. But Peter needed to do these things himself.

"Why can't you just except the fact that I was able to get the job? Is that so hard to believe?"

"Yes, because you're Peter Parker with your stupid Parker luck. No wonder why your Uncle died." (It hurts)

Peter took a deep, long breath, before he spoke again.

"I'll admit, if I was just Peter Parker, I might not be where I am." Peter decided to ignore the Uncle situation that Flash decided to bring up

"So you do admit you cheated your way in." Flash smirked thinking that he had won the argument.

"Nothing I had control over. But I was the only one who it could happen to." Peter said simply before walking away to calm himself down before he, or most likely Wade or Tony, would do something Peter would regret, because to be honest, neither Wade nor Tony would have regretted what they did.

(About lunch time)

SmartGui101: since its lunch time

SmartGui101: i wanted to ask

SmartGui101: r u guys going
to the wedding

CodeNameUnavailable: i thought
it was a private wedding

ChairGui: yeah dude

SmartGui101: nah man

SmartGui101: dads even letting
wade go

SmartGui101: tho we all know
he hates him

ChairGui: pete, we love u

CodeNameUnavailable: but the is the group chat


CodeNameUnavailable: i can just hear your distress

CodeNameUnavailable: but yes, we'll go

SmartGui101 has logged off

And things from here possible couldn't get worse.

Peter groaned as he knew that yes, things can get worse? Why? 'Cause his family was there.


"Hey, guys." Peter greeted. Since this tour was given on the weekend, it would last until dinner which currently it was. And Peter decided to meet his friends again before they left.

"You look a bit tired." Michelle pointed out after looking up from her book for a couple seconds, vefore starting to read again.

"Yeah, a bit. I came to ask if you were going to stay, or will you meet us here in the morning." He asked Ned, seeing he was the only one that didn't live in the compound.

"We can just meet up with you in the morning. I should spend some time with my mom before we leave. What time does it start?"

"The public was told at two, so it starts at eight in the morning. We need a bit of time to get there before the news does. Come around seven thirty."

"This is going to be exciting! Can I post the videos? What about you? Will the news cover that too?"

"Depends on what videos, and yes, after the wedding we'll reveal that one secret."

As these friends laughed, Flash was glaring at the other side if the room towards those kids. He hated that he could ever get Peter riled up anymore and that nothing he said hurt. But also very upset that he managed to get this job, or even become friends with all these people. He hated that Peter had a better life.

So you better believe that he was going to get revenge.

But this thing pissed him off even more.

"Hey, babe." Deadpool cooed and hugged Peter from behind.

Why the hell is a deadly unkillable mercenary get so attached to a useless kid?

"You better be on your best behavior tomorrow. Dad already doesn't like you."

"But he'll put up with me for you." Wade smirked as he knew he was right.

"That reminds me, how's you and Shuri going?"

"Um.. It's going good- great. We're going on a date next weekend." Michelle responded with her voice getting quieter with every word.

She's never been able to freely go on dates with other girls she's had a crush on, but now she can without any worries of her parents. But some of her just wishes that her parents would be able to accept her for who she likes.


"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Tony asked Peter, who was sitting on the couch, still unable to sleep.

"I feel like I have to do this and I'm ready for that. I'm just a bit concerned that my senses would go off with all the attention." Peter explained.

"I get it. I still hate the press, especially when they ask all these intrusive questions. But you don't have to answer anything they ask. And if you want, we could always get someone on the team to stay with you." He suggested.

"I don't really want to be chaperoned all day. Maybe you can just have Clint in the vents." Peter joker, but it was a real suggestion. He wouldn't have a chaperone, but would still be watched over.

"That's a good idea. Then maybe we'd be able to find out what exactly this kid does to you."

"Wait- no-" Peter started to slightly panic. If anyone on the team found out that Flash was bullying him, then they'd be bound to do something illegal to him. Then Peter would get all the blame as Flash would still accuse him of all these bad things.

"Pete. Just calm down. We won't do anything too bad. Nothing he can hurt you further for. And you should start to stand up for yourself. Even if it's just using your words, okay?"

"But what if he starts accusing me that I'm only doing that because I have a relationship with you."

"Who cares? It's one jealous guy's opinion. What matters is what you and your loved ones think about you. If those people care about you, then that's all you need."

"Yeah... Thanks, dad." Peter smiled.

"Now let's go to bed to get a decent amount of sleep."

These are the moments in Tony's life that makes him the happiest. His only regret is not being able to know Peter earlier.

Y'all ready for a marriage? It's gonna be v nice

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