Chapter ¹²

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The elevator ride was full of questions by Ned while Michelle decided to wait for her turn, probably wanting to know more about my relationship than what I'm doing in Avengers Tower.

"So exactly what was it your Aunt did?" Nerd asked, wanting to know the beginning of what happened.

"I defended Tony, he called me mental, then lied to her about what I did. She told me to fix my attitude or leave."

"So this Stanley guy hates you, tried to be nice, then basically replaces you?" Michelle asked.

"Yes. But if she easily chose some trash person over me, then I'm not wasting my time trying to get her back." I said recalling what Wade tild me.


"How the hell did you get in here?!" Tony yelled, throwing pillows at Wade.

"Webs gave me a pass." He smiled happily.

"WaIt! You knew before us?!" Clint yelled. Yep, Wade knew I was Spider-Man before the rest if the team.

"Ob- HeY!! PeteR!" Wade said when he saw me.

"Was that the guy in the pictures?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, Wade. But we first knew each other as something else."

"Are you saying he's a superhero too?" He started to get excited, as I pushed them both to my room after waving at Wade.

"Not exactly." I replied.

"Guys, you're not exactly the best at whispering. It's a surprise that no one else knew what was going on." Michelle pointed out.

"Uh, what? Not- nothing is going on. I don-"

"Shh. Peter, I know about the whole Spider-Man thing. What normal person comes to school one day perfectly fine when they got beaten up the day before. So, please do tell us who that guy was." She finished and sat on the bed with her arms resting on her legs.


"Deadpool?! You're dating Deadpool?!" Ned screeched.

"I don't really know if we're actually dating or whatever. It was a one time thing, probably won't happen again." I mumbled.

"Peter. It's completely fine to date another guy. I don't care who I would end up with, but honestly, I would perfer a girl over a guy. I like protecting over being protected. It's all about preference and what makes you confortable and happy." She explained.

"Yes, I know... I just don't want it to end like the last one."

"If it does, then you have more than enough power to make it stop. Stop being a weak nerd to protect yourself from it."

"Yeah. Thanks I... guess. Did you say yoy like girls?"

"Yes, I very well did. I used to have this big crush on Black Widow."

"And you wouldnt mind a double date, would you?" I smirked.

"You got someone in mind?"

"Yes, I do actually. She's a real princess."


So there I was on the phone with Shuri, with Wade being as clingy as ever, hugging me.

"How would you feel about a date? I got this friend, Michelle, who's ready to mingle and she already agreed so please say yes."

"Only if you make it a double date aith you and that guy you're with." She laughed.

"Already planned to."

"Great. Does the twenty-sixth sound good since It's already the twenty-fourth?"

"Great." I said, hanging up and turned to fsce Wade.

"Are you free the twenty-sixth."

"You know I've got nothing planned until I get called. I'll always be free for you."

"Great we're gonna have a double date." I tapped his face then ealked back to my room.

"Hey, uh, Peter?" Michelle asked kinda nervously.

"Yes?" I have never seen her nervous for any reason.

"My parents arent really the... accepting kind. So if they, like, disown me for this, you don't mind if I stay here, right?" She asked.

"I gotta be honest with you. It's Tony's call, but if I asked, he would never say no."


"Hey, Peter." Tony said calmly, peaking his head through the door.

"Hey." I replied, backed up to the wall on my bed.

"Are you feeling good?"

"Yes. I can try to talk now, if you want."

"If it gets too much, you can always stop." He informed, sitting on the edge of my bed, criss cross.

"It's just- because I'm Spider-Man, the people I care about had died." I said placing my head in my arms.

"But your parents didn't go because of that. You weren't even Spider-Man yet." Tony tried to reason.

"Yes... they did. They died because they were killed for those spiders my dad made. Oscorp wanted them. They would kill for it." I explained.

"I want to be with you- all of you, but im scared that people would go after you too. I think it's getting to the point where it would probably be bettee to just ignore you all. If people see that I've got no one, then no one can get hurt."

"Peter... people are still going to get hurt no matter what you do. People were getting hurt before you were born. But now you can do something about it. Do you know many people you've already helped. Hundreds. Even thousands. And people are greatful for that. You should feel proud."

"What kind of hero am I if i can't protect my family?"

"You're still young. You should have to feel this pressyre in you, bur you do. You've dealt with so much loss at such a young age, and your dealing with it way better than how I was. And trust me, you can't get us killed that easily. We're not call the Avengers for nothing, kid."

"I know, but i just can't help but worry. What if those same people went after Princess Shuri?" I asked.

"Why would they?"

"Because eveeyone knows that Wakanda is connected to the Avengers. What if they tried to take her to get to us?"

"That's a good point. Not everyone knows who she looks like, especially the people here. So as long as the public doesn't know your identity, then we should be good."

"So does this mean, I have to go anywhere she wants to go?"

"Yes, but that also means she has to go where you go."

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