Chapter ⁹

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It was finally Friday, and it was after one, meaning that it was officially Chrismas break.

Tony had decided to get me a new phone, one of his, so that May couldn't get hold of me. And that's when Friday also was connected to my phone.

I had completely forgotten about that until I got an alert that had said ‘Code: Unkillable.’ I didn't know if I was supposed to be happy about it or worried.

The thing is that there's this school dance the Saturday after Christmas break and all I could keep thinking about was asking Wade to go with me. And When I did think about him my heart beat would raise and I'd get all nervous.

I've known him for about two years now. Not as long as Ned, it definitely long enough to find out I'd I liked someone.

And I think I do.

I ran to the elevator and the ride up was painfully slow.

"What are you doing here, Wilson?"

"Don't be mad. I'm just here to see Petey. He's supoised to be back soon from testing."

"Since when we're you guys in the nickname stage?"

"I've known him for two years." Wade clarified trying not to start a fight, too busy to know I was there.

Tony and Wade- Deadpool's fighting was drawing the attention of all the other Avengers, so, normally, they went to investigate.

"Um, why is Deadpool here?" Clint asked a bit cautious.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too." I said, my arms crossed, causing Wade to jump.

"How did you even know I'd be here?"

"Oh, hey webs. I took your idea." My face looked alarmed.

"Oh, you covered your door in webs. I went to your room first but you weren't there." He clarified so it didn't make me loon suspicious.

But my heart didn't slow down. God, what was he doing to me?

"And why did you go in my room?" I kept interrogating him causing he others to look at us with confused looks.

"‘Cause I wanted to steal you for a little, if that's alright with Irondad over there."

"You think I'm gonna let y-" Tony started but Steve placed a hand on him, whispering something.

His face contorted into a surprised look.

"You get one hour. If he's not back by two seventeen, you won't be getting him again."

"Great. Great!"

"Ah-huh. You're changing first." I told him pushing him to my room. I happened to have a couple of his outfits with me for some totally random reason.


"What did you want me for?" I asked as we walked.

"You said that being touchy was off the table, but you've never said that dates were off." He smirked.

(I'd like to clarify, this is young Wade so he currently has hair, a few scars since he hasn't been a Mercenary for that long)

"Oh..." I said, now getting very nervous.

It was only last week after hanging out with Wade that I found out about my feelings, but I have yet to voice them out. Or even thinking about doing so anytime soon.

"Wow, if it isn't Penis Parker and his boyfriend."

Fuck. Eguene.

"We aren't dating, but we're were going on a date, so if you don't mind fucking off." Wade said confidently. Why would a 16 year old pick a fight with someone who was almost twenty.

"Pathetic, isn't he?"

"Excuse me?" Wade said, pissed off.

Good thing I didn't let him bring any weapons.

"Just look at him. Begging for attention. He was already talking about his fake internship."

"Peter. Didn't you say you got a job?" Wade whispered.

"No, I turned him down until I graduate. I still have that internship." I informed.

"But don't do anything. Remember about that no killing thing?"

"You're lucking I didn't bring any of my weapons." Wade glared at Flash and dragged me away with a little more force than necessary.


"I'm sorry you interrupt whatever you're thinking, but we got to go back before my dad grounds you." I laughed. Wade was probably fantasizing about our wedding again.

"I love you, ya know?"

"Yes, I do. You say it almost every time you see me."

"What about you? Your feelings?"

My eyes widened and I looked down, my face completely red.

I do like him, but of this happens like last time? It's bit uncommon for someone to like someone else, but later doesn't.

"I, uh, I do like you. I just don't know of this would, um, last- or whatever." I said rubbing my arm.

"Aww. That's fine. I wouldn't leave you even if you asked. Take your time." Wade smiled and bent down to hugged me.

"We got like thirteen minutes intil we have to be back."

"Great. Race me?" He asked letting go.

"Of course."

We walked into an alleyway where we, or I, climbed to the top of they building.

"Don't hold back."

To say the least, I won.

"I guess it's not fun of I don't teleport." Wade huffed trying to regain his breath while I was perfectly fine with a couple of sweats.

The elevator opened with three minutes left.

"How was the date?" Steve asked while Tony semi-glared at Wade.

Before I could answer, Wade did it first me.

"Good, besides the guy that decided to insult us because we're both guys." Wade said and pushed my out of the elevator onto the couch.

"Oh, really? It wouldn't happened to be this... Flash, would it?" Tony asked, losing his glare and looked at me.

"Hmmmmaybe." I said quickly.

"Great. Steve, looks like we've got to make a press conference."

"Yeah, I think we do." Steve smiled.

"Oh, god. Leave the kid be." Clint said and three his head down the couch.

"Who said this has to do with the kid?" Tony smirked.

"We have an announcement. JARVIS, schedule a press conference for tomorrow at two-thirty."

“Or course... Done, Sir.” The AI replied.

"Ooooh, what's the conference for?"

And so, Tony told them.

"What a surprise." Wade said sarcastically.

"I mean, that sexual tension when you two fought was real."

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