Chapter ²

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I have already finished my homework, now currently laying in my bed. I would love to work on my Spidey suit, but I wouldn't have any idea what Stanley has done to my home, if by any chance he could see what I was doing. There was no way I was risking that.

"Hey, Peter! Can you come here?" Aunt May called.

I stretched quickly before walking out of my small room.

"Yes?" I asked rounding the corner.

"What's this I heard that you were being rude to Stanley?" She asked with her hands on her hip.

"I wasn't." I stated.

"That's not what he told me. Tell the truth."

"I was. He was talking bad about me because I was defending Mr. Stark because he was s-"

"Hold on. You're taking Tony's side over Stanley? He's your family now. You-"

"No, you don't understand. Mr. Stark has been there for me. I don't even know Stanley. You think that after one meeting I would choose him over Mr. Stark?"

"This is what we're talking about. Tony has become a distraction to you that you would think of him over your own family."

"He is not my family. He will never be. You're not even considering how I feel."

"I don't want to hear excuses, Peter. I don't want you seeing him again."

"You can not do that."

"I can and I did."

"This isn't fair. You're choosing to trust what he says more than what I say? Over family?"

"Peter, he is our family now. Y-"

"NO! He isn't. I don't give a damn what you think of him but if you choose him over me, then I don't know what to say."

"Don't you dare use that tone with me. And I don't want to hear you say that to Stanley either."

"I don't care what you say. You've know me far longer but you still choose someone asswipe over me."

"Peter, watch your mouth. That is your uncle you're talking about."

"Uncle? I'd rather die first that ever seeing that man be part of my family. I don't care what you think of him. I don't give a single shit what happens to him. Why do you seem to trust him more than me? More then your nephew?" I was completely more livid than I've ever felt. Some stranger comes into my life and has to fuck it all up. That's something I never thought would possibly happen.

"I'm done with you, Peter. Either you fix your behavior or you can leave. For good. Do you understand me?"

"Fine I will." I said. May might have thought that I'd be nicer, but not even my relationship with her could make me stay. Tony meant too much.

I quickly ran to my room, packing a small bag, and took my school back and re-entered the same room May was in.

"Also don't come looking for me." I hissed, ignoring the surprised look on her face before slamming the door shut.


It's been a few hours since I left, nearing two a.m. There were no worries, since technically it was now a weekend.

“Peter. What has happened? I've been told it's not good to keep things in.”

I sighed on top of a larger building. I was currently out as Spider-Man while Karen was trying to get me to explain myself.

"Mr. Stark probably told you that. But I don't want to talk about it."

“It's really late. Shouldn't you be home?”

"I... I can't." I whispered, trying not to cry.

“Very well, Peter. Please stay here.”

"Wait- no, wait. Karen. What are you doing?" I said, my voice cracking.

"I don't want to go back..." The words barely escaped my mouth before cries followed. I buried my head into my knees, my arms around them.

I couldn't be strong anymore. The only family that I had betrayed me because of some guy. But yet, when I found someone, I still chose her. I can't. Not anymore.

The cries became louder, not being able to hold it in any longer. How could someone like him change her so much? If Uncle Ben was still here, he would have never even thought of the idea of leaving me. But she did it without a second thought. How could she do this to me?

There may be people out there that would decided to try to mend their relationships. But not me. Not when it's her. I tried so hard to be perfect and yet she threw me out because of some guy.

I was so caught in my own self-pity that I didn't notice someone landed next to me.

"Peter?" He asked, rubbing my back causing a small burst of a cry. I could taste the saltiness of my tears.

"Hey. It's okay. Everything is okay." He said quietly. He sat next to me, wrapping one arm around me and another rubbing my arm.

"Mr. Stark..." I huffed out trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You don't have to talk now. Let's calm you down first, okay?" He asked and I nodded my head.

He went back into his suit, now carrying me along with my bags.

The ride was only a couple minutes and I fought to stay awake.

He carefully placed me on the couch and stepped out of his suit, sending it somewhere else.

"Let's get you changed and you can head to bed. We can talk in the morning. If you are ok with that?" He said softly, leading me to an empty bedroom, leaving my bags to the side.

"If you need anything don't be afraid to ask FRIDAY." He then left right before I changed my clothes.

‘Why would he be so much kinder than my own family?’ I asked myself before falling asleep.


It was currently the morning and I debated whether to get out of bed or not. It was only Saturday and I had nothing to do.

I sighed and sat up and leaned against the headboard.

“It is currently 11:31. Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark that you have awoken?” FRIDAY suddenly said.

I thought about it. I eventually had to tell him what happened, so it must be better to get it done and over with as soon as possible.

"If you could." I stayed still for a few minutes trying not to fall apart again, my breath slightly sped up before a knock made me lose my thoughts.

"Y-yeah? Come in." My voice cracked.

Tony had peeked his head inside, seeing if it was alright to come in.

"How are you doing?" He asked softy, slowly walking in towards me as if fast movements would scare me off. I smiled at that thought.

‘Why is he so careful with me? Why does he think of everything that could go wrong and prevent it? Why would he make so much time for me? Why did he care far more than anyone else could?’ Many of thoughts like these flew all around my head.

"Better." I replied a minute later.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked.

"Can I get something to eat first?"

"Of course." He smiled as I followed him to the kitchen.

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