Chapter 15

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*KNock* *kNock*

Peter was woken up by that same noise, nearing two in the morning. Peter, with his enhances senses gets woken up easier than others and it doesn't help that in the mornings, his hearing is even louder.

The door creaked open as Tony poked his head through the door.

"Are you awake?" He whispered.

"I am now." Peter yawned and opened his eyes, finding Tony at the doorway.


Peter sat up and tried to move his hand to rub his eyes, but they were connected with another. Peter looked over at a sleeping Wade and smiled.

He loved how Wade knew boundaries. He decided that it would have been a better idea to give Peter some space rather than just give him something else to stress over.

"Hey, Pete? Do you think we could talk?" Tony asked, being quiet both because Peter is extra sensitive in the mornings and seeing how Wade was still asleep.

"Yeah..." Peter slowly pried Wade's hand out of his and carefully got off his bed. Peter followed Tony into the common room and Nat was the first one to speak.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have eavesdropped."

"What?" Peter asked confused.

"We went to go apologize..." Clint started even though at first he definitely wasn't sorry but now that he heard both Wade and Peter's conversation, he sure was feeling so.

A kid who already went through so much guilt and grief shouldn't need to deal with anymore. He's still got school, bully problems, people who call him a lair, a superhero life, then there's even people from that life who hate him, someone who tried to protect them, and certainly on many occasions has he almost died.

But, he still does it because he feel like it's the right thing to do.

"We, uh, heard." Steve finished causing Peter to look away.

"If it means anything, all of us has been through something like that." Clint commented. "Some worse than other, but the pain was still there."

"We're sorry for the way we acted. We didn't expect Spider-Man to be so young." Steve said before anyone else could talk because not many of them were good with trying to comfort kids, and Steve was the closest to a mom they were going to get right now.

"Me being Spider-Man had nothing to do with the comments you were making. Even if I was human, I'm not vulnerable." Peter said and played with his sleeves.

It hurt them. Who knew the Avengers would fell so sad for a kids they have just know for a couple of weeks. And this kids had gone through so many troubles at such a young age, a kid who went through more pain than most of them did. And their comments from before had only made it worse.

The Avengers all turned to look at Clint.

"What?" He asked. He didn't want to admit what he did wasn't nice and sure as hell didn't want to admit he felt bad after the outcome.

They all laughed. I guess you could say Peter had forgiven them, then they all stayed up, watching movies and telling stories.


(the end of the school day after decathlon meeting w/ peter & michelle)

"Hey. Peter?" Michelle asked hesitantly.

"Yes?" Peter replied after he received both of their bags, then handed her's to her. MJ started to play with the straps to her bag.

"Would you mind coming with me when I tell them?" She asked nervously. This attitude was unusual with her.

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