On The First Page of Our Story, The Future Seemed so Bright- Rihanna

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After N'Shawn dropped me off I ran straight to my room.

I finally answered Mike's call after I took a shower.

"Yea, wassup "

"Don't, "wassup " me where the hell you been at? Yo ass was probably fuckin around with N'Shawn. I'm getting real tired of you disrespecting me. "

"Chill bro, stop trippin' all the time. I can hang with my best friend if I feel like it. "

"Come outside now"

I looked outside and saw Mike's car pull up.


I walked outside and stood in the driveway. He got out and leaned against his car. We sat there staring at each other until I motioned me to come over. We got in the car and sat in silence.

"Be real with me, what's going on with you and your quote, unquote best friend ?"

"Nothing dude"

"I'm gone ask you one more ti-

"I fuckin said nothing give the shit a -

my face started burning -bad. I touched it and my cheek was bleeding.

"I'm sorry " He pulled my face into his chest and held it there. "It won't happen again, I love you. I-I just lost control for a minute "

I looked up and saw his eyes burning into my forehead.

It's my fault.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too."

"Don't be I shouldn't have did that. Go in the house and get some rest I'll see you tomorrow "

He kissed my forehead and burnt off when I got out the car.

I laid in my bed and rubbed the band-aid on my face.

He didn't try to, it just happened.

When morning came I put my hair in a low ponytail and threw on my adventure time hat. I went to my draw and threw on some black joggers and a batman sweatshirt. I went in my closet and got my oreos that Shawn gave me for Christmas.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my mom. My dad wasn't coming home for another two days (business trip).

I ran outside when I heard a car horn.

"Sup shawty "

"hey N'Shawn"

"What happened to your face? "

"Makeup malfunction, I should probably stop using a straight razor to arch my eyebrows "

"Yea, you probably should. You coming to the basketball try-outs after school "

"Of course, how could I miss my best friend try out?"

He turned on the radio and we rode in silence until we got to school.

After school I went to the gym and sat in the bleachers. All the boys came out and were putting on a show. They were all good, but my best friend, he was the best. He was 6-8 from the three point line, 19-20 from field goal, and 15-15 in the paint. My best friend was going places, I know he is.

"How'd I do?"

"You did amazing, you going to be the next Lebron or nah?"

"Nah, I'm gone be the first N'Shawn. No flex zone though, just bein' honest "

"I'm proud of you, now all you gotta do is do your own homework " I mushed him in the head.

"Nah, I'll just copy off of your paper till I get drafted " he playfully pushed me to the side so he could get his gym bag.

He dropped me off at home, but I walked to the park at around 8 to meet Mike. When I walked up to him he had somewhat of a smirk on his face.

"Hey, what's up "

"You think this shit a game, don't you Cali? You think you can just do whatever the hell you wanna do? "

"What's your problem now Mike? "

"Now, I know why you can't come eat lunch with me after school. You too busy being his little cheerleader and shit. That's mad disrespect right there"

"How is supporting my best friend disrespectful? And besides you haven't talked to me since last night. "

"I thought I asked you not to disrespect me Cali, didn't I?"

"I didn't disrespect you the first ti-

My head was throbbing and I could barely see out my right eye.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not trying too. I just keep losing it. I don't wanna lose you. I'm afraid you'll walk away from me. You keep making me do this. "

Did I make him do this?

I just held my eye. I couldn't even look at him.

How could he do this to me?

He ran across the street to the corner store. He brought back ice and zip lock bags. He poured ice in the zip lock bag and placed it on my eye.

He wouldn't be doing this if he didn't care, would he?

He drove me home and I went into my room.

I can avoid my mom in the morning cause she works an early shift, but how am I gonna explain this to Shawn?

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